
CPGB News > Reports

Delegation to Scotland

27 Aug 1998

Documents from the Socialist Party’s Members Bulletin July 1998

For the Irish working class

27 Aug 1998

IRSP statement

‘Time to silence guns’

27 Aug 1998

INLA ceasefire declaration

London Socialist Alliance

20 Aug 1998

Communist University ’98

20 Aug 1998

Party notes

Failed revolutions

23 Jul 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the CPGB debate on ‘the transitional programme’, opened by a speaker from the International Bolshevik Tendency

Bosses’ dirty tricks

23 Jul 1998

Bosses are attempting to intimidate RMT activists. As part of this campaign, they have singled out Steve Hedley, a longstanding RMT militant, for intimidation. The Railworkers Rank and File Campaign reports

Open fight for communism

16 Jul 1998

The struggle continues

16 Jul 1998

Summer Offensive ’98

Fast finish

09 Jul 1998

Summer Offensive ’98

Tyranny of the clock

09 Jul 1998

London Socialist Alliance

Localist dead end

09 Jul 1998

Hypocrisy - the proof

09 Jul 1998

London Socialist Alliance

For or against inclusive democracy

09 Jul 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the July 5 London Socialist Alliance general meeting

Plotters exposed

09 Jul 1998

For inclusive democracy in Socialist Alliances

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