
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

Recolouring the past

02 Jul 2020

Jesus was not white, that is for sure. But then nor was he a Christian, says Eddie Ford. He was an apocalyptic revolutionary who hated the Roman empire and its collaborators

An apocalyptic revolutionary

19 Dec 2019

According to official Christian doctrine, Jesus was a man-god, born in a stable to a virgin mother. His first worshippers were three humble shepherds, followed by three kings from the east bearing fabulous gifts. As an adult Jesus performed serial miracles. Misunderstood by his closest disciples, betrayed by Judas Iscariot, the Jewish people collectively sought his death. Crucified by the innocent Romans, Jesus is entombed, but after three days rises from the dead. Finally, he ascends into heaven to sit on god’s right side. Jack Conrad offers a more probable version of the man and his times.

Outcome uncertain

06 Dec 2019

Looking at the latest polls, Eddie Ford concludes that it is not impossible for Labour to win the most seats.

Inconvenient truths

28 Nov 2019

Rather than the Labour Party, it is Christianity which is ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’, writes Eddie Ford.

Marx and Jewish emancipation

14 Mar 2019

By citing a few thoroughly decontextualised phrases, the establishment finds Marx - and therefore contemporary Marxism - guilty of anti-Semitism. Jack Conrad puts the record straight

Our bodies, our choice

24 May 2018

Whatever the result of the referendum, writes James Harvey, the fight for a woman’s right to choose will go on

Waiting for Zola

12 Apr 2018

The April 8 joint CPGB/Labour Party Marxists aggregate had two agenda items - the battle in the Labour Party and the danger of war in the Middle East. William Sarsfield reports that there was plenty to think about

Another agenda

12 Apr 2018

After the March 30 Israeli massacre of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, Tony Greenstein examines the hypocrisy of Britain’s Zionists

NCG elections: no vote

05 Apr 2018

A call from Labour Party Marxists

Wrong type of Jew

05 Apr 2018

The right has succeeded in ridding ‘anti-Semitism’ of any coherent meaning, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Demonstrators mowed down

05 Apr 2018

But if you protest too much you will be condemned as anti-Semitic, warns Tony Greenstein

Shame on the SWP

22 Mar 2018

SUTR accepted the Zionist ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative, writes Tony Greenstein. Despite that the Confederation of Friends of Israel Scotland was finally kept off the march ... by unofficial action

Racist by definition

15 Mar 2018

Tony Greenstein explains why Israel’s government is introducing a Jewish nation-state law

Anti-fascists on the march

01 Mar 2018

As the far right becomes more emboldened, Toby Abse reports on the disgraceful attempt of the PD leadership to ban leftwing protests

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer man

15 Feb 2018

Jeremy Newmark, the ‘ideal representative’ of the Jewish Labour Movement, stands accused of all manner of wrongdoing. Tony Greenstein calls on the Labour Party to act

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