
Society & Culture > Racism

Racism as thoughtcrime

05 Apr 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

Racism and Covid-19

19 Jun 2020

Capitalism itself is the cause of structural social inequality, writes James Linney

Race über alles?

11 Jun 2020

Daniel Lazare looks beneath the skin of Black Lives Matter and reveals the links with big business

Salvini, Israel and anti-Semitism

09 Feb 2020

In Italy IHRA-style propaganda is linked to anti-migrant racism, writes Toby Abse.

Reject the IHRA

08 Aug 2019

The decision of Tower Hamlets council to refuse to host the Big Ride for Palestine is both cowardly and shameful, writes Tony Greenstein

Marx and Jewish emancipation

14 Mar 2019

By citing a few thoroughly decontextualised phrases, the establishment finds Marx - and therefore contemporary Marxism - guilty of anti-Semitism. Jack Conrad puts the record straight

Explorations of inequality

21 Feb 2019

Andrea Levy: March 7 1956 - February 14 2019

Our rights threatened too

17 Jan 2019

Although Britain’s far-right yellow vests are an obnoxious assortment of racists, xenophobes and odd-balls, we must defend their right to protest, says Eddie Ford

Review: 22 July, directed by Paul Greengrass

18 Oct 2018

Out on general release and Netflix

Where next for the SACP?

20 Sep 2018

As the ANC continues to lose support, Peter Manson looks at the dilemmas of the ‘official communists’

Movement we need to build

06 Sep 2018

Review of Spike Lee's BlacKkKlansman, on general release

Dead end of intersectionality

02 Aug 2018

Only the working class can unify the oppressed, argues Mike Macnair. This is an edited version of his talk at the July 29 London Communist Forum

Getting beyond capitalism

05 Jul 2018

Mike Macnair completes his critique of intersectionality and identity politics

Mistaken versions of Maoism

28 Jun 2018

Two books on intersectionality reviewed: 'How we get free: black feminism and the Combahee River Collective' by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Haymarket, 2017, pp191, £9.70) and Asad Haider's 'Mistaken identity: race and class in the age of Trump' (Verso, 2018, pp132, £9.90)

Race and class

21 Jun 2018

Mike Macnair examines the critiques of intersectionality developed by Adolph Reed Jr and Walter Benn Michaels

The rise of a Mini-Me Hitler

03 May 2018

Thomas Klikauer looks at the fruitcakes, loonies and out-and-out racists who inhabit the völkische wing of the AfD

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