
Society & Culture > Racism

Racism as thoughtcrime

05 Apr 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

Corbyn: grow a backbone

03 May 2018

Sacrificing an outstanding anti-racist for having dared to criticise a pro-Israel MP will only increase the appetite of the right, warns Tony Greenstein

May’s crocodile tears

26 Apr 2018

The Windrush scandal has shone an unintended light on the position of present-day immigrants, writes Eddie Ford

Both sides of the fence

19 Apr 2018

Leftist intellectuals have taken fright when faced with the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign. Tony Greenstein responds to Richard Seymour

No more ‘Enoch was right’

19 Apr 2018

Attempts to ban BBC’s Rivers of blood programme were totally misplaced, writes Eddie Ford

Another agenda

12 Apr 2018

After the March 30 Israeli massacre of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, Tony Greenstein examines the hypocrisy of Britain’s Zionists

NCG elections: no vote

05 Apr 2018

A call from Labour Party Marxists

Wrong type of Jew

05 Apr 2018

The right has succeeded in ridding ‘anti-Semitism’ of any coherent meaning, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Demonstrators mowed down

05 Apr 2018

But if you protest too much you will be condemned as anti-Semitic, warns Tony Greenstein

Shame on the SWP

22 Mar 2018

SUTR accepted the Zionist ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative, writes Tony Greenstein. Despite that the Confederation of Friends of Israel Scotland was finally kept off the march ... by unofficial action

Unity with whom?

22 Mar 2018

SWP’s Stand Up To Racism represents the politics of popular frontism, argues Eddie Ford

Triumph of right populism

15 Mar 2018

Election marks the worst ever performance of the post-World War II left, writes Toby Abse

Racist by definition

15 Mar 2018

Tony Greenstein explains why Israel’s government is introducing a Jewish nation-state law

Anti-fascists on the march

01 Mar 2018

As the far right becomes more emboldened, Toby Abse reports on the disgraceful attempt of the PD leadership to ban leftwing protests

Further into farce

22 Feb 2018

How much longer can Ukip limp on, wonders Paul Demarty?

Being black is their only crime

01 Feb 2018

Thousands of Israelis are attempting to stop the deportation of African refugees, reports Tony Greenstein

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