
Society & Culture > Racism

Racism as thoughtcrime

05 Apr 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

Out of sight, out of mind?

21 Apr 2022

Rwanda deal is a cynical election ploy, writes Eddie Ford

Get out of Zionist ghetto

24 Feb 2022

Communists say national liberation is a task of the working class. Tony Greenstein takes issue with the left Zionism of Daniel Lazare

Abstraction and obfuscation

10 Feb 2022

Paul Demarty reviews 'Anti-Postone', an essay written by Michael Sommer and translated by Maciej Zurowski (Cosmonaut Press, 2021, pp124, £11.99)

Behind Israeli apartheid

10 Feb 2022

Amnesty International’s moralistic condemnation is totally inadequate. As Moshé Machover has long argued, anachronistic settler-colonialism is the root of Israel’s racist apartheid. Only de-Zionisation can end it

Rightwing ‘Marxism’- a senile disorder

03 Feb 2022

Michael Sommer’s 2014 essay 'Anti-Postone: or, Why Moishe Postone's Antisemitism Theory is Wrong, but Effective' has recently been translated into English by Maciej Zurowski (Cosmonaut Press 2021, Available on Amazon or in the Cosmonaut webstore). A more than useful contribution to the fightback against the ‘anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism’ big lie, which finds its most ‘sophisticated’ justification in the pseudo-Marxist writings of Moishe Postone. Here is the introduction provided by Mike Macnair

Calluses on our souls

13 Jan 2022

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Nigger - an autobiography' by Dick Gregory with Robert Lipsyte (Plume 2019, pp235, £19.79)

Three cheers for juries

13 Jan 2022

With attorney general Suella Braverman threatening to use extraordinary measures and a deafening silence coming from Labour’s front bench, Paul Demarty unhesitatingly welcomes the acquittal of the Colston Four

How not to lead a liberation

25 Nov 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Fordsburg fighter: the journey of an MK volunteer' by Amin Cajee, as told to Terry Bell (Cover2Cover Books, 2016, pp194, £22.09)

No saving graces

11 Nov 2021

Tony Greenstein reviews 'Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis: what the left got wrong and how to learn from it' by David Renton (Routledge, 2021, pp230, £19.99)

All workers lose out

11 Nov 2021

With the Democrats going downhill fast, Daniel Lazare looks at the role played by ‘critical race theory’

Long march of censorship

28 Oct 2021

Paul Demarty looks at recent attacks on free speech in the name of combatting offence, real or imagined

Exciting, historical, tearful

09 Sep 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Summer of soul (or When the revolution could not be televised)', Ahmir Thompson (director) general release

Manufacturing consensus

02 Sep 2021

We do not want to unite the whole of the anti-racist movement, if that means uniting all prepared to mouth anti-racist platitudes. In fact, writes Paul Demarty, so far as such ‘unity’ exists, our role is to destroy it

What did England expect?

15 Jul 2021

Following narrow defeat at the hands of Italy, the meaning of it all is being hotly fought over. Paul Demarty urges the left to think beyond gesture politics

Lots of grassy knees

17 Jun 2021

Is the English football team in the grip of a Marxist conspiracy? Paul Demarty considers the ‘taking the knee’ controversy

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