
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

We cause offence

23 Mar 2023

Following the lead of the liberal bourgeoisie, the dominant section of the left takes a ‘free speech, but ...’ approach. Jack Conrad defends the unrestricted right to organise, strike, assemble … and speak

From order to chaos

23 Mar 2023

Why has so much of the left collapsed into social-imperialism? Why the continued illusions in US intervention? Mike Macnair talked to Hands off the People of Iran in a meeting hosted by Yassamine Mather

Voice of the revolution

16 Mar 2023

This appeal drawn up by comrades in Iran, calling for clear politics, organisation and solidarity, has attracted widespread support

Dictating to power

16 Mar 2023

Marc Mulholland discusses the importance of the vote, the inadequacies of taxing the rich and why the path to working class power lies through extreme democracy

A tale of two phrases

09 Mar 2023

What did Marx mean by the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’? Marc Mulholland thinks the answer is closely bound up with ‘permanent revolution’

Upholding the free speech principle

09 Mar 2023

This statement has been issued in response to an exclusion by the Unofficial Weekly Worker Readers’ Group on the grounds of ‘transphobic’ speech

Tailism cannot deliver

09 Mar 2023

By clearing away misconceptions and starting from our common class interests we can produce a workable approach. Mike Macnair concludes his series

Not a minor issue

02 Mar 2023

Marching with Zionists, excusing Zionism and standing in solidarity with Palestine. Tony Greenstein investigates the contradictions generated by crass opportunism

Ohio’s perfect storm

02 Mar 2023

Daniel Lazare warns that, with Trump skilfully championing poor whites, with weak trade unions and a ‘left’ intent on tailing Biden, the danger of a rightwing dictatorship grows

Effective collectivity is key

02 Mar 2023

Mike Macnair argues that we all - not least trans people - need democratic decision-making to ensure common actions and common goals

How not to win arguments

23 Feb 2023

Counterfire is in upheaval over the trans issue. Paul Demarty calls for serious debate, not heresy-hunting

Political perspectives 2023

16 Feb 2023

Introduced, debated, amended and agreed at February 12 annual general meeting of CPGB members

Period of complex contradictions

16 Feb 2023

The trend towards an ever more unstable world continues, with the choice between socialism and barbarism being posed ever more starkly. Scott Evans reports

Stoked by government ministers

16 Feb 2023

Kevin Bean reports on the Knowsley riot, its causes and the inadequacies of the economistic left’s responses

Whose constituent assembly?

09 Feb 2023

As the stalemate between the Islamic Republic and the mass opposition movement continues, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, one of the leaders of the 2009 Green movement, has called for a constituent assembly. Yassamine Mather has translated this excerpt from an article by Torab Saleth which deals with the constituent assembly from a leftwing point of view

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