
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Resisting the incoming tide

09 Feb 2023

Daniel Lazare pours scorn on the House of Representatives’ utterly incoherent, but revealing, resolution condemning the ‘horrors of socialism’

Barking at the moon

02 Feb 2023

Ignoring the huge catalogue of articles, speeches and resolutions, Daniel Lazare accuses Moshé Machover and the CPGB of silence when it comes to class politics in the context of Israel-Palestine

From Dixon to Carrick

02 Feb 2023

Following the latest scandal involving the Met, Eddie Ford agrees with SWP’s call for the abolition of the police. But then what?

Centrality of involvement

02 Feb 2023

In light of the mass upsurge in Iran sparked by protests against the hijab, Yassamine Mather asked Anne McShane to speak about the lessons of history, in particular the fight against bourgeois feminism in the Second International and the role of Bolshevik women in Russia

Social-imperialism is betrayal

02 Feb 2023

Joint statement

Oil workers join protests

26 Jan 2023

All manner of tiny cracks are opening up at the top levels of the theocracy. Yassamine Mather looks behind the often arcane disputes

Farewell to an inspiration

26 Jan 2023

Obituary: Gustav (Schlacke) Lamche, director and producer for Cinema Action, August 25 1933-January 15 2023

Not equality to compete

19 Jan 2023

Communists should demand special measures to protect women from capitalist exploitation, not ‘genuine equality’ in the workplace. Daniel Lazare investigates the Pump Act

The future is being made today

19 Jan 2023

Veteran Iranian socialist Ardeshir Mehrdad calls for class politics and the mobilisation of the lower depths of society

Shoras, party and programme

19 Jan 2023

Illusions in so-called bourgeois democracy persist - as do illusions in workers’ councils. Mike Macnair stresses the necessity of a mass party

Protests and the bigger picture

19 Jan 2023

Dangers of war are increasing and the masses refuse to be intimidated, but the left is mired in confusion. On January 9 Hands Off the People of Iran hosted an online meeting addressed by Moshé Machover and Mike Macnair. Yassamine Mather opened with these remarks

Look in the mirror

19 Jan 2023

They continue to denounce sexism in state institutions without confronting their own history. Paul Demarty calls for some self-criticism

Their socialism and ours

19 Jan 2023

James Harvey reports on Winter Communist University 2023

Strategy, turns and dangers

12 Jan 2023

Run by a self-appointed elite, XR has ‘quit’ the tactic of disruption, much to the disapproval of the SWP. Eddie Ford comments

Taking the next step

12 Jan 2023

The government has no clear strategy. However, to fight back we need more than trade union militancy, argues Kevin Bean

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