
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Other theories, other labels

10 Aug 2023

If, after the launch of the first five-year plan, the Soviet Union cannot be classified as a workers’ state, what was it? Jack Conrad looks at some alternatives that have been offered by different schools of thought

Clean breaks and clear principles

03 Aug 2023

Today’s left largely misunderstands and therefore misrepresents Clara Zetkin’s contribution to the politics of Marxism. Ben Lewis provides an excerpt from the introduction to a newly translated pamphlet

Defending neutrality

03 Aug 2023

What are so-called socialists doing upholding the foreign policy of their ‘own’ bourgeois state? Anne McShane upholds the principles of international socialism

Rebranding as Transform

03 Aug 2023

Yet another call for a new broad left party, yet another disappointment to come. Mike Macnair looks at the latest offering

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 30 5pm

27 Jul 2023

Blind leading the blind

27 Jul 2023

With Sir Keir in complete control of Labour, the left faces a crisis of perspectives - a crisis which finds full expression in three recent articles. Whatever the nuances and subtle differences, says Mike Macnair, they all remain trapped in possibilism

No call for staying calm

20 Jul 2023

Paul Russell looks back at the disgusting record of police savagery and gives his take on the challenges faced by the left in the next presidential election

Point of no return

06 Jul 2023

Temperature records fall one after the other. Things are on course to get worse, not better. Clearly stunts are not enough, we need to get serious about system change, writes Eddie Ford

Supplement: Back to Nevsky!

06 Jul 2023

Lars T Lih uses an eyewitness account to dispose of some old myths and to show how, if they were to rewin their majority, the Bolsheviks had to adjust to the shock of finding themselves in a minority

Veiled lessons

29 Jun 2023

Yassamine Mather spoke to Anne McShane at a Hands Off the People of Iran meeting. Given the recent wave of arrests in Iran and new legislation reinforcing the wearing of the hijab, the experience of the Soviet Union’s Zhenotdel in the 1920s is of particular relevance.

Dumbness of dumbing down

29 Jun 2023

The Morning Star’s CPB is about to enter its pre-congress discussion period. We have here, though, a classic case of bureaucratic, not democratic, centralism. Mike Macnair investigates

First plan realities

22 Jun 2023

Clearly the first five-year plan had nothing to do with the realisation of socialist planning. In the second of two articles, Jack Conrad investigates the counterrevolution within the revolution

A year of strikes

22 Jun 2023

We must go beyond Labourism. Kevin Bean assesses the upsurge in trade union action and its limitations

Still with us in our hearts

15 Jun 2023

Fred Carpenter December 28 1952 - May 18 2023

First plan backgrounds

15 Jun 2023

Planning and socialism are synonymous. However, as Jack Conrad argues in a two-part article, there is planning and planning. The Soviet Union’s first five-year plan owed more to chaos than plan

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