

Message from Lenin

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, July 22 1920

The following wireless message from N Lenin has been received by the Provisional Committee of the Communist Party:

HAVING received the letter of the Joint Provisional Committee of the Communist Party of Britain, dated June 20, I hasten to reply in accordance with their request that I am in complete sympathy with their plans for the immediate organisation of a Communist Party in England. I consider the policy of comrade Sylvia Pankhurst and of the Workers’ Socialist Federation in refusing to collaborate in the amalgamation of the BSP, Socialist Labour Party and others into one Communist Party to be wrong.

I personally am in favour of participation in parliament and of adhesion to the Labour Party on condition of free and independent communist activity. This policy I am going to defend at the 2nd Congress of the Third International on July 15 at Moscow. I consider it most desirable that a Communist Party be speedily organised on the basis of the decisions and principles of the Third International, and that party be brought into close touch with the Industrial Workers of the World and the Shop Steward Committees in order to bring about their complete union.

An open letter to comrade Lenin

[From Workers’ Dreadnought, paper of the self-styled ‘Communist Party (British Section of the Third International)’, July 24 1920]

IT IS reported in the press that you have sent a wireless message from Moscow stating: “I consider the tactics of comrade Sylvia Pankhurst and of the WSF are wrong,” and “I am personally in favour of participation in parliament and in favour of adhesion to the Labour Party. I will defend these tactics at the 2nd Congress of the Third International on July 15 in Moscow.”

My reply to you is that I also would desire to defend my tactics in the Moscow congress, but I have been refused a visa by two intervening countries.

If you, through the influence of the Labour Party or your parliamentary friends, can obtain for me a passport, I shall gladly meet you in debate -

With communist greetings, I remain, honoured comrade,

Yours, till the British workers’ revolution,

E Sylvia Pankhurst