
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Nationalist shock waves

12 Mar 2015

Poll predictions of a Labour wipeout show that the national question has not gone away, argues Eddie Ford

Anti-migrant snake oil

04 Dec 2014

Cameron’s immigration speech was an attempt to out-Labour Labour, says Eddie Ford

Non-historic people

27 Nov 2014

The Radical Independence Campaign wants to hold the SNP to account. Who are they kidding? asks Paul Demarty

Fragmentation shrinks the mainstream

27 Nov 2014

Rochester shows that everything is up in the air. The outcome of the next general election is impossible to predict, writes Eddie Ford

Doing a Scottish jig

27 Nov 2014

Alan Woods has performed a 180 degree about-turn. Daniel Harvey comments

Immigration controls kill

20 Nov 2014

Eddie Ford calls for the abolition of all border controls, not just ‘racist’ ones

A dangerous game

23 Oct 2014

David Cameron’s appeasement of the Eurosceptic right could backfire dramatically, warns Paul Demarty

UKIP: Something to smile about

16 Oct 2014

Last week’s by-elections have proved once and for all that Nigel Farage and his party are a force to be reckoned with, notes Paul Demarty

Farage parks his tanks

02 Oct 2014

Ukip has every reason to feel chipper, says Eddie Ford. It has enjoyed high-profile Tory defections and is riding high in the polls

Catalonia: Backward project of nationalism

18 Sep 2014

Secessionist movements throughout Europe are taking inspiration from the Scottish referendum, writes Eddie Ford

Ukraine: No siding with nationalists

11 Sep 2014

Eddie Ford argues that working class political independence cannot be built by backing the pawns of imperialism

Yes campaign: In false colours

11 Sep 2014

There are unmistakable parallels between ‘Scottish socialism’ and ‘proletarian nationalism’. Jack Conrad issues a health warning

The price of nationalism

04 Sep 2014

Mike Macnair reviews the cynical geopolitical manoeuvres of the rival power blocs

Tories on the back foot

04 Sep 2014

Daniel Harvey looks at the fallout from Douglas Carswell’s defection

Berlusconi acquittal boosts reactionary drive

14 Aug 2014

Plans for constitutional ‘reform’ represent a return to the notorious ‘Plan for National Rebirth’, argues Toby Abse

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