
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

An Open Letter

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein addresses Labour MP Joan Ryan

ANC in disarray

08 Sep 2016

While the ruling party is riven by factions, writes Peter Manson, the SACP too is deeply divided

Pseudo-secularism on the beach

01 Sep 2016

The petty cruelty of the French burqini bans stems from an elite looking for scapegoats, writes Paul Demarty

Festival of nationalism

04 Aug 2016

This year’s Olympics are even more grotesque than normal, writes Eddie Ford

No let-up in purge

28 Jul 2016

A grand national coalition is part of Erdoğan’s ‘godsent opportunity’, writes Esen Uslu

From Powell to Brexit

28 Jul 2016

Alex Carnovic interviews Evan Smith about his forthcoming book 'British communism and the politics of race'

Erdoğan’s counter-coup coup

21 Jul 2016

While a bloody military intervention has been defeated, that in itself is no reason to cheer, writes Esen Uslu

Parroting the ‘party’ line

07 Jul 2016

A genuine exchange of ideas is the last thing the SWP leadership wants, writes Peter Manson

Fear, confusion and delusions

30 Jun 2016

Left responses to the referendum result vary from despondency to total exuberance. Both are misplaced, argues Paul Demarty

After an unexpected vote

30 Jun 2016

Mike Macnair introduced the discussion at the CPGB aggregate on the fallout following the EU referendum result. This is an edited version of his speech

Abuse of a corpse

23 Jun 2016

We should not be blind to the corruption at the heart of bourgeois politics, argues Paul Demarty

The decolonisation of Palestine

23 Jun 2016

Zionism constitutes a unique colonisation process, argues Moshé Machover - which means that the route to Palestinian freedom must be equally unique

Our strategy and tactics

16 Jun 2016

Jack Conrad looks at the referendum - and beyond that to the challenge of continental unity

Two reactionary camps

26 May 2016

Our class can gain nothing by voting for either of the two options, argues Peter Manson

Recipe for disaster

12 May 2016

Labour’s election results have given Corbyn only a temporary reprieve, predicts Tony Greenstein

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