
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

More than a union of two crowns

14 Aug 2014

Jack Conrad shows that Scottish national consciousness is complex. Historically there is an unmistakable British dimension

The myth of the English yoke

07 Aug 2014

Was Scotland subject to an English takeover in 1707? Does Scotland suffer from English internal colonialism? Jack Conrad questions the myths and assumptions of Scottish nationalism

BNP: From the sewer and back

31 Jul 2014

Nick Griffin was more discredited by BBC ‘platforming’ than UAF no-platforming, argues Eddie Ford

Nationalist myths are not Marxism

31 Jul 2014

Jack Conrad argues against the left-nationalist claim that Scotland is an oppressed nation. Indeed, prior to the 1707 Act of Union Scotland was not a nation

‘Christ of nations’ in London

03 Jul 2014

Migrant workers have class interests, not Polish interests, argues Maciej Zurowski

Scotland: Sinking loyalism and lifeboat nationalism

26 Jun 2014

Jack Conrad looks at the politics of September 18

Both campaigns are US allies and friends

12 Jun 2014

September 18 referendum has nothing to do with preserving working class unity, argues Eddie Ford

M5S takes ex-communist stronghold

12 Jun 2014

Despite the views of some who ought to know better, there is nothing progressive about Beppe Grillo, argues Toby Abse

Our men in Kiev and Donetsk

05 Jun 2014

The far right are enemies, not friends, says Eddie Ford

Renzi's rightward march

05 Jun 2014

Last week’s elections have confirmed the trajectory of ‘Italy’s Tony Blair’, writes Toby Abse

India: Modi-fication of democracy

29 May 2014

The seeds sown by Congress have borne authoritarian fruit, writes Murzban Jal

Scotland: Nothing progressive about nationalism

29 May 2014

Sarah McDonald reports on a clumsy attempt to railroad Left Unity Scotland into support for a ‘yes’

Europe: Alternative to populism

29 May 2014

Have the courage to think of a different Europe, urges Yassamine Mather

Italy: Courtrooms and backhanders

22 May 2014

The corruption that afflicts the highest echelons of Italian society is reminiscent of the series of scandals that led to the downfall of the First Republic, writes Toby Abse

Triumph of the butcher of Gujarat

22 May 2014

There is a real danger of a wave of reaction following the general election, warns Jim Moody

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