
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Triumph of rabid nationalism

18 May 2023

Erdoğan looks set to win the second round and a third term as president. Esen Uslu probes the May 14 results and the expected outcome of May 28

Strategic dead-end

20 Apr 2023

Humza Yousaf’s leadership is in total disarray; Labour smells blood and is expecting to make big gains. Scott Evans believes we should respond with a culture of openness and pre-emptive socialism

Partisan of reaction

06 Apr 2023

ML Miller reviews Ben Lewis, Oswald Spengler and the politics of decline Bergharn Books, 2022, pp238, £99

Mixing left and right

06 Apr 2023

Pollsters suggest that a new party set up by Sahra Wagenknecht would gain considerable support. But, asks Carla Roberts, where are the principled politics that are so desperately needed?

Government by swarm

06 Apr 2023

The former president faces 34 criminal charges. But Trumpism will grow stronger, whatever happens at his trial, argues Daniel Lazare. He is already clear favourite to run in the 2024 election

Looming defeat for Erdoğan

30 Mar 2023

Esen Uslu looks ahead to the coming election that pits the centre-right against the incumbent Islamist‑nationalist right. But what about the Kurds and the fractured left?

A fruitless crown

23 Mar 2023

The contest to replace Nicola Sturgeon has proved unexpectedly fraught. Scott Evans reports on a movement that has run out of options

Sturgeon’s final straw

02 Mar 2023

Have we reached ‘peak SNP’? Is the dream of Scottish independence now fading? Eddie Ford reports on the leadership battle and continuing culture wars

Devolution non-recognition

02 Feb 2023

UK government uses the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill as an excuse to assert ministers’ right to micro-manage Holyrood legislation for Tory electoral advantage. Mike Macnair explores the issues

Mongols versus Vikings

05 Jan 2023

Daniel Lazare examines the dangerous stew of ethno-nationalisms that emerged following the collapse of the Soviet Union

Self-determination is a right

01 Dec 2022

Mike Macnair scrutinises the UK Supreme Court’s ruling on ‘Indyref2’ and looks at some typically inadequate left responses

Protests challenge the regime

29 Sep 2022

Across the whole country, in every city, in every town, there is revolt. But does ‘post-nationalism’, rather than class politics, provide the solution? Yassamine Mather investigates

Loyal to king and capital

15 Sep 2022

Yassamine Mather takes issue with those on the left who think the SNP is ‘left of centre’

From goch to pinc

11 Aug 2022

Mike Macnair critiques the ongoing political degeneration of Anticapitalist Resistance and the Mandelites

Indy2, strikes and boycotts

28 Jul 2022

Why are the ‘official communists’ in such a muddle over the SNP’s bid to hold a legal referendum on independence? James Harvey critiques the YCL’s gensec

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