
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

SWP: Outriders for the establishment

22 May 2014

Wagging your finger at people for voting for the ‘racist’ Ukip is the wrong approach, says Eddie Ford

Egypt: ‘Road map to democracy’ sham

22 May 2014

The coup may have been aimed at the Muslim Brotherhood, writes Yassamine Mather, but now the working class is under attack too

The worker has no country

22 May 2014

As the imperialists prepare to celebrate the slaughter that was World War I, Chris Gray examines the phenomenon of nationalism

Ottoman genocide remembered

22 May 2014

Last week saw the 99th anniversary of the first detentions which led to the Meds Yeghern slaughter. Esen Uslu explains how a ‘Turkish’ state was created out of the Ottoman empire

UKIP: Part of mainstream chauvinist consensus

22 May 2014

Getting jittery, the Tory machine and large sections of the media are attacking the ‘unBritish’ Ukip. Eddie Ford is not surprised

Ukraine: Peddling absurd fairy tales

17 Apr 2014

Eddie Ford calls for a working class solution that cuts across the rival nationalisms at play in Ukraine

Venezuela: Right wing smells blood

27 Feb 2014

What is happening to the Bolivarian revolution? Daniel Harvey calls for working class independence

Pox on both houses

20 Feb 2014

What is the communist stance in relation to the Scottish referendum? Sarah McDonald urges a boycott

Ukraine: Great power tug of war

06 Feb 2014

The US and the EU are on one side, Russia is on the other; the human victims are the Ukrainian population, writes Eddie Ford

Legacy of the Arab spring

30 Jan 2014

Three years after the start of the mass revolts Yassamine Mather assesses the situation in Tunisia and Egypt

Dieudonné’s calculated anti-Semitism

30 Jan 2014

Free speech is too valuable a weapon to be thrown away. Eddie Ford calls for unequivocal opposition to state bans on racists and fascists

Immigration: Chauvinist demagoguery

16 Jan 2014

Paul Demarty looks at the poisonous bilge of our native reactionaries

Review: Fascism’s local history offensive

16 Jan 2014

Gordon Stridiron, 'Blackshirts in Geordieland', Black House Publishing 2013, pp260, £12

Nick Griffin: A rat on a sinking ship

09 Jan 2014

The collapsing British National Party is the victim of its own contradictions, not anti-fascism, writes Paul Demarty

Mandela: He was a bourgeois hero

12 Dec 2013

South African Marxist Hillel Ticktin discusses the role of Nelson Mandela with Peter Manson

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