
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Principles of syndicalism

16 Jun 2016

Dave Douglass reviews: Lewis H Mates, 'The great labour unrest: rank and file movements and political change in the Durham coalfield', Manchester University Press, 2016, pp328, £75

Corbyn and the media trap

16 Jun 2016

Labour should stop basing its strategy on appealing to the media - it will fail, argues Paul Demarty

Blundering ineptitude

16 Jun 2016

There are furious objections to the Morning Star giving Ken Livingstone a regular column. Peter Manson reports

M5S on course to take Rome

09 Jun 2016

Toby Abse reports on last weekend’s local elections

Theresa May delights drug dealers

09 Jun 2016

The ban on legal highs results from a moral panic with potentially fatal consequences, warns Eddie Ford

My encounter with the thought police

09 Jun 2016

Tony Greenstein is still in one piece following his grilling by a Labour Party witch-hunt apparatchik

A threat laid low

09 Jun 2016

Once considered a dangerous radical and traitor, Muhammad Ali died an establishment hero. Paul Demarty wonders what this says about our era

Stop treating people like idiots

02 Jun 2016

Paul Demarty surveys the latest output of ‘Project Fear’ - so you don’t have to

Relationship of mutual dependency

02 Jun 2016

Zionism uses the term ‘anti-Semitism’ against anyone who opposes its crimes against the Palestinian people, writes Eli Aminov

Right’s heresy hunt

26 May 2016

If I am anti-Semitic, so is the Israeli press, writes Tony Greenstein

Life in the bubble

26 May 2016

Paul Demarty argues that the growing culture of brittle denunciations only hurts the left

For Marx, against Althusser

26 May 2016

What is the nature of art under capitalism? Rex Dunn responds to Paul Demarty

Scandal hits M5S

19 May 2016

As Beppe Grillo prepares to step down, his populist party stands accused of corruption. Toby Abse reports

Don’t apologise - attack

19 May 2016

The right will not let up if we retreat before their smears, argues Moshé Machover. This is an edited version of his speech to the May 15 London Communist Forum

Recipe for disaster

12 May 2016

Labour’s election results have given Corbyn only a temporary reprieve, predicts Tony Greenstein

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