
Democracy & State > Fascism

Crisis and creeping despair

26 Apr 2012

From the killing spree by a lucid yet paranoid Anders Breivik to the increase in private and public suicides in austerity Europe Paul Demarty asks, what is capitalism doing to our minds?

Maggots, Marxists and Muslims

21 Mar 2019

Like Anders Breivik, the Christchurch killer has a programmatic world view. Eddie Ford looks at the fascistic idealism of Brenton Tarrant

Our rights threatened too

17 Jan 2019

Although Britain’s far-right yellow vests are an obnoxious assortment of racists, xenophobes and odd-balls, we must defend their right to protest, says Eddie Ford

The enigmatic gilets-jaunes

17 Jan 2019

How should Marxists respond to the gilets jaunes? Mike Macnair looks at the likely winners and losers

Far-right rising: time to rethink

13 Dec 2018

Exaggerating our numbers and claiming non-existent victories does not strengthen us, writes Tony Greenstein. It leads to complacency

Bolsonaro: Brazil’s Trump or Brazil’s fascist ruler?

01 Nov 2018

Brazilian comrade Roberto della Santa gives us his assessment of a president who has declared that the military dictatorship ‘did not go far enough’

The rise of a Mini-Me Hitler

03 May 2018

Thomas Klikauer looks at the fruitcakes, loonies and out-and-out racists who inhabit the völkische wing of the AfD

Danger of a right-populist coalition

26 Apr 2018

While some insist that M5S is a ‘leftwing’ force, writes Toby Abse, it could well be heading for government in alliance with the Lega

Rising to the challenge

16 Nov 2017

Could the FLA develop into a fully-fledged fascist movement? That depends on the scale of forthcoming crises and the response of the left, argues James Harvey

No let-up in purge

28 Jul 2016

A grand national coalition is part of Erdoğan’s ‘godsent opportunity’, writes Esen Uslu

Politics of derangement

23 Jun 2016

Obviously the killing of Jo Cox was an act of political terrorism? Eddie Ford looks at the politics

No escaping sordid history

23 Jul 2015

The queen’s Nazi salute exposes the British establishment’s modern myths, writes Paul Demarty

Misreaders and misleaders

28 May 2015

With ideas of paying everyone an unconditional basic income gaining some credence on the left, Chris Gray looks at the inter-war social credit movement

Nationalism and role of Pegida

22 Jan 2015

Tina Becker examines the impact of Germany’s new rightwing force

Fall and fall of Nick Griffin

09 Oct 2014

It may be curtains for the BNP, writes Eddie Ford, but its demise has very little to do with the SWP or Unite Against Fascism

Our men in Kiev and Donetsk

05 Jun 2014

The far right are enemies, not friends, says Eddie Ford

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