
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Age of Aquarius

28 Jun 2018

The Lega has celebrated its gains in local elections by stepping up its attacks on migrants and Roma, with the complicity of M5S, writes Toby Abse

The bad old days

28 Jun 2018

Are we going back to the 1930s? Tony Blair says this scenario “no longer seems far fetched”. But will Donald Trump save us? Paul Demarty thinks not

Things to do when you’re dead

07 Jun 2018

It is not only the Russian government which is putting around fake news, notes Paul Demarty

Right-populist threat increases

31 May 2018

As stock exchanges are rattled and EU politicians worry over the survival of the euro, Toby Abse warns the left against treating our enemy’s enemy as our friend

Beyond the border quandary

31 May 2018

Brexit is in the interest of neither British nor Irish capital, writes James Harvey

The rise of a Mini-Me Hitler

03 May 2018

Thomas Klikauer looks at the fruitcakes, loonies and out-and-out racists who inhabit the völkische wing of the AfD

Democracy, not referendums

19 Apr 2018

Jack Conrad advocates working class representatives, working class party politics and the working class programme of extreme democracy

No more ‘broad, sunlit uplands’

29 Mar 2018

Eddie Ford agrees with Jacob Rees-Mogg that the final Brexit deal will be a ‘national humiliation’ like Suez 1956

Triumph of right populism

15 Mar 2018

Election marks the worst ever performance of the post-World War II left, writes Toby Abse

Against a second referendum

08 Mar 2018

Some on the ‘left’ insist on tailing John Major and Tony Blair and their call for a second referendum. However, argues Jack Conrad, Marxists are right to distrust referendums as a method of political decision-making. We champion working class political independence and representative democracy

Softest form of hard Brexit

08 Mar 2018

Theresa May’s ‘hard facts’ will only bring a temporary cessation of war between the rival Tory factions, writes Eddie Ford

Anti-fascists on the march

01 Mar 2018

As the far right becomes more emboldened, Toby Abse reports on the disgraceful attempt of the PD leadership to ban leftwing protests

Theresa May’s à la carte menu

01 Mar 2018

Three-course dinner or a packet of crisps? Eddie Ford looks at the latest Brexit developments

Further into farce

22 Feb 2018

How much longer can Ukip limp on, wonders Paul Demarty?

Italy: Democratic Party left up in arms

08 Feb 2018

Matteo Renzi’s purge is unlikely to halt his party’s decline, argues Toby Abse

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