
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

21st century global reality

08 Feb 2018

Eddie Ford looks at the growing Tory infighting over Brexit

Corbynmania and the SPD

01 Feb 2018

Emma Rees and other Momentum employees have been sent to Berlin to help the German youth wing oppose the latest grand coalition, writes Susanne Holstein

Hard, soft or no Brexit?

25 Jan 2018

The working class needs a strategy that tails neither big capital nor backward-looking politicians, argues Jack Conrad

The price of neoliberalism

18 Jan 2018

The continuing decline of the left will be confirmed by the results of the March 4 general election, predicts Toby Abse

Labour tails Tory rebels

21 Dec 2017

Calling the modern powers to revise statutes by regulations ‘Henry VIII clauses’ gives the whole Brexit exercise a spurious air of English antiquity, argues Mike Macnair

Renzi vs Grasso

14 Dec 2017

It looks as though a ‘centre-left’ coalition headed by Matteo Renzi will be opposed by a leftwing bloc in the 2018 general election, writes Toby Abse

Negotiations end in chaos

07 Dec 2017

Even if Theresa May manages to strong-arm Brexit negotiations to their next phase, there is a long way to go. Paul Demarty asks if she has the staying power

Mafia politics sway vote

23 Nov 2017

Toby Abse analyses the significance of the Sicilian election results earlier this month

Causing alarm in Rome and Brussels

03 Nov 2017

Toby Abse reports on the bizarre behaviour of Matteo Renzi, which has played into the hands of the right-populist M5S

Pisapia’s soap opera

19 Oct 2017

Thankfully the attempt by the former mayor of Milan to pull fragments to the left of the PD back into the fold has ended in failure, writes Toby Abse

Dangerous games

05 Oct 2017

There is a perverse rationality to the Spanish repression of the Catalan independence campaign, writes Paul Demarty

Capitulating to xenophobia

05 Oct 2017

The Renzi government is now competing with the far right when it comes to migrants, writes Toby Abse

Macron exposes divisions

28 Sep 2017

The unions are split over the new laws. René Gimpel reports on the compromises and the protests

Pisapia’s deadly embrace

31 Aug 2017

How productive will Italy’s latest ‘left unity’ project turn out to be? Toby Abse investigates

Rhetoric and political realities

03 Aug 2017

A ‘rule of law’ which protects property rights above all else guarantees nothing but authoritarian demagogy, argues Mike Macnair

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