
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Brexit in the balance

31 Jan 2019

The Commons vote does not change the bigger picture, notes Paul Demarty

Will the euro survive?

24 Jan 2019

Michael Roberts looks back at the last 20 years and predicts a rocky future

The enigmatic gilets-jaunes

17 Jan 2019

How should Marxists respond to the gilets jaunes? Mike Macnair looks at the likely winners and losers

May's deal is dead as a dodo

17 Jan 2019

Paul Demarty asks what comes next after the crushing rejection of May’s Brexit deal by the Commons

Thinking the unthinkable

10 Jan 2019

With time running out, Theresa May is surely approaching the end game, writes Eddie Ford

Limping towards the cliff-edge

20 Dec 2018

The government holds together for now - but the problems of Brexit will prove inescapable, reckons Paul Demarty

Slaughtering sheep and unicorns

20 Dec 2018

Calls for a ‘people’s vote’ and a ‘coalition of reasonable minds’ are demands for a national government, writes Eddie Ford

May survives ... for the moment

13 Dec 2018

She might have won a vote of confidence, but the UK faces a full-blown constitutional crisis, reckons Paul Demarty

Left tails of liberal bourgeoisie

29 Nov 2018

He who pays the AEIP piper calls the AEIP tune, says Jack Conrad

New stage of Brexit politics

29 Nov 2018

In or out of the EU, argues Mike Macnair, we need a united workers’ movement on a European scale

Free-trade tailism

22 Nov 2018

The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty has enlisted a clipped version of Marx and Engels to serve its political agenda. In the first of two articles Mike Macnair looks at the claims of free trade and protectionism

May's numbers don't add up

22 Nov 2018

Escape from a no-confidence vote in the Tory Party will not save Theresa May’s Brexit plans, writes Paul Demarty - hence the renewed talk of a national government

Going down the Brexit rabbit hole

08 Nov 2018

As the deadline looms, Theresa May is still wrestling with the Gordian knot of the Irish border question, writes Eddie Ford

Italy's government provoking a clash with EU

25 Oct 2018

Against the background of attempts to form a new rightwing coalition across Europe, Toby Abse looks at the manoeuvrings of the rival Italian populists

People’s Vote: Establishment fights back

25 Oct 2018

Saturday's demonstration carried more than a whiff of a post-Brexit national government about it, writes Eddie Ford

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