
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Brexit: more humiliation looms

18 Oct 2018

The present terms of debate on Brexit represent paralysis, argues Paul Demarty - in the government, and on the left

Still no way out

04 Oct 2018

Paul Demarty watches the fur fly at the Birmingham conference

Liberal playthings

27 Sep 2018

Mike Macnair assesses the AWL’s second conference document, on Europe

The poverty of left-remainers

27 Sep 2018

Another humiliation for Theresa May; another ambiguous policy from Labour. But, says Paul Demarty, taking £70,000 from George Soros is the left’s very own road to disaster

Edging towards a second vote

13 Sep 2018

The EU was a central theme for the second successive year, reports Peter Manson

Against referendums

13 Sep 2018

Despite the TUC vote in Manchester the left should reject referendums as a matter of principle. Jack Conrad puts the Marxist case for extreme democracy

Bloodstained colours of Benetton

06 Sep 2018

Toby Abse looks at the politics underlying the collapse of the Genoa bridge

Imprisoned within the national

09 Aug 2018

Comparisons with Donald Trump are dishonest - but that does not mean Corbyn’s industrial strategy will actually work, warns Paul Demarty

Project Fear or Project Reality?

09 Aug 2018

Everyone from the governor of the Bank of England to the National Farmers Union is getting worried about a no-deal Brexit, writes Eddie Ford

The crisis of democracy

02 Aug 2018

No to a second referendum, writes Steve Freeman. Yes to a ratification referendum

Tactics, principles and willing dupes

19 Jul 2018

What attitude should the left take to the People’s Vote campaign and its call for a second referendum? Jack Conrad insists that referendums are a backward, not a forward step for democracy

Outlook Moggy

19 Jul 2018

Rees-Mogg’s medievalism may have been meant as a diversion, writes Mike Macnair, but it raises real issues

Brexit chaos

12 Jul 2018

The cabinet’s ‘unanimously agreed’ acceptance of May’s ‘political coup’ did not last very long, writes Eddie Ford

Take it or leave it

05 Jul 2018

Eddie Ford says Theresa May is manoeuvring to achieve a ‘third way’ Brexit. Chances are that we will see more dither

Oppose siren calls

05 Jul 2018

Some on the ‘left’ insist on running with People’s Vote and its call for a second EU referendum. Once again Jack Conrad argues that Marxists ought to condemn referendums. We favour representative democracy and working class political independence

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