
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Venomous targeting of migrants

27 Jul 2023

Despite suffering something of a setback in Spain, the far right is on the march across Europe. Prime responsibility for this, argues Paul Demarty, lies with the left

A tale of three by-elections

27 Jul 2023

Kevin Bean of Labour Party Marxists looks at the state of bourgeois politics and the controversy over so-called green policies

Their fantasy, our nightmare

20 Jul 2023

Ukraine’s offensive is getting nowhere and when a compromise is eventually reached Zelensky will be in deep trouble, argues Daniel Lazare

Cross-party yellow peril

20 Jul 2023

Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee has produced a lurid account of the challenge represented by China. Mike Macnair argues that the UK is playing catch-up with the US hegemon

Doing deals with Sir Keir

20 Jul 2023

Is building a Labour Party mark two a viable strategy? Kevin Bean of Labour Party Marxists looks at the Unite policy conference and beyond

Tinseltown’s hot summer

20 Jul 2023

Writers and screen actors need to win in their strike against the media giants, says Paul Demarty. But our aim must be a better, a higher culture

Putting the record straight

29 Jun 2023

Alexei Sayle (narrator), Chis Reeves (director), Norman Thomas (writer), Oh, Jeremy Corbyn - the big lie, Platform Films

Notes on the war

29 Jun 2023

Putin is in real trouble - the Wagnerite rebellion testifies to political, military and strategic failure, argues Jack Conrad

Arrested development

22 Jun 2023

Scott Evans looks at the paradox of continued support for independence and the revival of the Scottish Labour Party

Bussing and abusing

22 Jun 2023

More and more Republican states are cynically treating migrants as political pawns. But what lies behind the surge in numbers coming over the border? Daniel Lazare blames wars, global warming, economic meltdown and the booming illegal drugs trade

Cost of Fortress Europe

22 Jun 2023

Those who horrifically drowned off the Greek coast were fleeing intolerable conditions. Eddie Ford argues for free movement, citizenship rights and effective trade unions

Death of a true believer

22 Jun 2023

He exposed official lies, escaped the clutches of Richard Nixon’s goons and fought hard for pacifism for the rest of his life. Paul Demarty remembers Daniel Ellsberg

Abortion should not be illegal

22 Jun 2023

Carla Foster has been handed a 28-month sentence. Mike Macnair warns that this is part of a wider Tory culture-war offensive designed to rally the right

A year of strikes

22 Jun 2023

We must go beyond Labourism. Kevin Bean assesses the upsurge in trade union action and its limitations

Putting capital and careers first

15 Jun 2023

Starmer’s purge of left candidates shows he is serious about governing ‘responsibly’, says Kevin Bean

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