
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Heirs of Edmund Burke

25 May 2023

For all its incoherence, the National Conservatism conference in London is indicative of a worrying direction of travel for the global right, argues Paul Demarty

Triumph of rabid nationalism

18 May 2023

Erdoğan looks set to win the second round and a third term as president. Esen Uslu probes the May 14 results and the expected outcome of May 28

Labourism on Mogadon

18 May 2023

Though a Labour government is by no means certain, it would represent a major political turning point. Vernon Price reports on the aggregate of CPGB members and supporters

Witch-hunt grows

18 May 2023

While some on the disoriented left will support ‘anyone but Labour’, writes Carla Roberts, Momentum and what remains of the official Labour left beg Sir Keir for unity

Lowering the stakes

18 May 2023

Starmer’s promise to be ‘New Labour on steroids’ is not about being exciting, but boring. Eddie Ford offers some thoughts on mainstream politics

Party, unions and programme

11 May 2023

Kent Kiser and Awi Blanc of the Red Labor Caucus take issue with Parker McQueeney and call for the DSA to make an immediate ‘clean break’ with the Democratic Party

Smother, stifle and suppress

11 May 2023

Saturday’s coronation was accompanied by a clampdown on anti-monarchy protestors. Eddie Ford wonders what the state would do if faced with a serious republican movement

On course for No10

11 May 2023

Labour had a good night, the Tories a horrible one. But, asks Kevin Bean, should we aim for a Labour Party mark 2 or should we aim for something higher, something far more useful?

Dynasty after dynasty

04 May 2023

The last shah liked to boast of a history that made the House of Windsor look like mere parvenus. But, as Yassamine Mather shows, there were numerous breaks, conquests and regime changes brought in from the outside

Powers hidden in reserve

04 May 2023

This Saturday, says Eddie Ford, should remind us that the role of the monarchy is not only about pomp, circumstance and providing popular entertainment

Their militia and ours

27 Apr 2023

Workers should not take the second amendment as their starting point when establishing a militia. No, fighting to repeal the second amendment and nationalising guns comes first. Daniel Lazare responds to Jack Conrad

Servants as masters

27 Apr 2023

Eddie Ford says Dominic Raab was forced to quit after a political struggle between ministry’s policy and minister’s policy

Strategic dead-end

20 Apr 2023

Humza Yousaf’s leadership is in total disarray; Labour smells blood and is expecting to make big gains. Scott Evans believes we should respond with a culture of openness and pre-emptive socialism

Cheap shots, great and small

20 Apr 2023

Controversy over Starmer’s attack ads shows up the increasing emptiness of bourgeois political debate, argues Paul Demarty

After the 49.3 nuclear option

13 Apr 2023

Increasing the retirement age to 64 has triggered huge protests. But, asks Paul Russell, with Macron in his final term, with cracks opening up in his party and with no natural successor, could Marine Le Pen finally make it into the Élysée?

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