
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Two-term chatter being heard

12 Oct 2023

James Harvey reports on the stage-managed Labour conference, the courting of big business and unconditional support for Israeli colonial oppression

Europe swings right

05 Oct 2023

With far-right parties making big gains and set for further advance in EU elections in 2024, Kevin Bean asks how the left should respond

State oppression and a turncoat

05 Oct 2023

David John Douglass reviews Richard O’Rawe, Stakeknife’s dirty war: the inside story of Scappaticci, the IRA’s Nutting Squad and the British spooks who ran the war Merrion Press, 2023, pp272, £14.95

Liberals and authoritarians

05 Oct 2023

Joe Biden does not, cannot, understand the MAGA movement. Daniel Lazare looks at his September 28 speech and finds something rotten in the state of America

Not much left of the left

05 Oct 2023

So many rival projects and not a serious idea amongst the lot of them. A week ahead of the Liverpool conference, Carla Roberts looks at what little remains of the once mighty Corbyn movement

Give Tusc critical support

28 Sep 2023

Voting Labour will strengthen the hand of Sir Keir and the right. Scott Evans reports on the recall background, the fixes and the candidates standing in the October 5 by-election

Elephant in the room

21 Sep 2023

It is Zionism, not anti-Zionism, that is joined to anti-Semitism. Tony Greenstein calls out the CPB’s resident Zionist, Mary Davis

Investigations drag on and on

21 Sep 2023

We all know who did it … and it was not Russia. Daniel Lazare looks at how the right is gaining traction from telling an evident truth

Staggering to next crisis

21 Sep 2023

Joe Biden’s growing incapacity, the likelihood of him being replaced mid-term by Kamala Harris if re‑elected, and a potential impeachment trial show that the abnormal is becoming the new normal. Paul Demarty looks at America

Forms of popular frontism

14 Sep 2023

Repeating calls for ‘no platforming’, calls to line up behind reactionary nationalists are, argues Mike Macnair, modern forms of madness. We favour free speech

National road to disaster

07 Sep 2023

Some 60,000 died, huge numbers were tortured and driven into exile, the parties of the left were banned and driven underground. Mike Macnair asks if any strategic lessons were learnt

Cold war adumbration

07 Sep 2023

Paul Flewers draws links with the current Ukraine conflict and the 1939-40 war between the Soviet Union and Finland. An anti-communist consensus formed then, while now we have the demonisation of Russia as the new evil empire

From chef to payback

31 Aug 2023

Eddie Ford gives his thoughts on the predictable death of Wagner’s public face and the likely culprit

The Soviet Union in history

31 Aug 2023

Is there progress? There seems to be, in nature and likewise in society. But, argues Jack Conrad, there is retrogression, mutual exhaustion and extinction too

Empty promises, real threats

10 Aug 2023

James Linney picks apart the NHS workforce plan and warns that Sir Keir’s Labour is committed to exactly the same agenda of privatisation and austerity

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