
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Malthus painted green

28 Oct 2021

Are there too many people? Jack Conrad attacks crude overpopulation theories. They are more than useless: they are extraordinarily dangerous

A 2.7 degree wake-up call

28 Oct 2021

The UK government’s response is woefully inadequate. So keep your expectations about Cop26 really low, advises a worried Eddie Ford

Delusions of techno-fix

21 Oct 2021

Today’s capitalist politicians are unlikely to agree, let alone implement, the measures needed to stop runaway climate change. Jack Conrad argues that the fundamental problem lies at the level of the system itself. Nonetheless, as shown by the Soviet Union, more than the mere abolition of capitalism is needed. The associated producers must take control

The wealth of nature

14 Oct 2021

There are still those who merely offer a mirror image of bourgeois ideology, with the claim that workers create all the wealth. Jack Conrad argues that nature more than contributes: it is primary

Facing ecological meltdown

14 Oct 2021

Eddie Ford is not surprised to learn that Britain is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries

A disaster foretold

07 Oct 2021

HGV drivers, petrol, empty supermarket shelves - Britain’s dependence on global supply chains has been badly exposed. Paul Demarty investigates

Marxist monetary theory

07 Oct 2021

It is profit, not government spending, that drives capitalist investment, writes Michael Roberts

Secret world of the elite

07 Oct 2021

Access capitalism and mammoth corruption have been laid bare by the Pandora papers, writes Danny Hammill

Addressing the central issues

30 Sep 2021

Foppe de Haan returns to his differences with Mike Macnair on the question of the ‘professional-managerial class’

A political system test

23 Sep 2021

Joe Biden is attempting to reverse US imperial decline through a neo-Keynesian turn, argues Jim Creegan

Combating the Capitalistocene

23 Sep 2021

With global temperatures in danger of increasing to 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels by 2025, Eddie Ford fears that governments might actually do something - at our expense

Class, state and constitution

16 Sep 2021

Rising classes have to reshape states in their own interests. Mike Macnair explores the revolutionary origins of capitalist modernity

Profits first and foremost

05 Aug 2021

What causes slumps? Michael Roberts takes issue with those who imagine individual decisions and interest rates are key

At the tipping point

05 Aug 2021

Can the bourgeoisie be forced to adopt climate socialism? Highly unlikely, but we should not rule it out in principle. Eddie Ford highlights the necessity of a minimum programme

Leopard and its spots

22 Jul 2021

With or without monopolies, the basis of capitalist exploitation remains the same, argues Michael Roberts

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