
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

In thunder and lightning

11 Mar 2021

Michael Roberts celebrates Rosa Luxemburg’s outstanding contribution to Marxist political economy

A century of dependency

25 Feb 2021

Foreign intervention did not come to an end with the 1979 revolution. No, as shown by Yassamine Mather, Iran’s Islamic rulers are more than willing to do the bidding of US-controlled international institutions

Revolution from above

18 Feb 2021

Small farmers are in revolt against the Modi government. Jeff Singh looks at the drive to replace peasants with capitalists

Problem is capitalism

18 Feb 2021

Michael Roberts asks what we should now expect: deflation, inflation or stagflation?

Dilemmas of great and good

21 Jan 2021

Mainstream economists cannot provide the answers needed to revive a system mired in stagnation. Michael Roberts reports on the annual gathering of the American Economic Association

Friedman doctrine in 21st century

17 Dec 2020

Monopolies are rule-makers and rule-breakers, but attempts to ensure free competition are utopian in the extreme, says Michael Roberts

Calling the shots

03 Dec 2020

How was Covid-19 vaccine developed with such tremendous speed? Michael Roberts looks at the key role of the state

Bidenomics: boom or bust?

05 Nov 2020

What will a Democrat victory mean for the US economy? Michael Roberts sees little room for optimism

Waste, destruction and misery

29 Oct 2020

Michael Roberts reviews Hadas Thier's 'A people’s guide to capitalism'

Disasters at a double rate

22 Oct 2020

While the global institutions are offering pseudo-solutions aplenty, the tipping point is fast approaching, warns Michael Roberts

A return to Keynes?

01 Oct 2020

Michael Roberts takes apart the United Nations ‘solution’ to end the Covid-19 pandemic slump

Underlying weaknesses exposed

16 Jul 2020

The government’s wish for a V-shaped recovery is doomed to failure, writes Michael Roberts

Global savings glut?

02 Jul 2020

Michael Roberts reviews Matthew Klein and Michael Pettis’s 'Trade wars are class wars'

It’s not just Trump

28 May 2020

What are the prospects for China in the post-pandemic 2020s? Michael Roberts examines the factors behind a changing imperialist strategy

Protecting the bosses

15 May 2020

‘Stay alert’ seems to mean ‘Go to work even if it is unsafe’, writes Eddie Ford

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