
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Swift as a weapon

03 Mar 2022

Sanctions imposed on Russia will hurt, but not only are there definite limits, they were long expected, writes Yassamine Mather

From sanctions to slump?

03 Mar 2022

Michael Roberts looks at the dreadful consequences of the economic war being waged against Russia

Destroyed by economygate?

10 Feb 2022

After the “longest wage squeeze in 200 years”, workers in Britain face an unprecedented fall in living standards. Michael Roberts rejects the Bank of England’s call to “moderate” wage rises

Fuelling the cauldron

03 Feb 2022

Esen Uslu reports on the short-termist cuts in interest rates and the resulting inflation and political turmoil

Austerity socialists win

03 Feb 2022

The victorious Socialist Party is putting all its hopes in the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Plan, says Michael Roberts, and has no intention of ending the country’s dependence on French and German capital. Not surprisingly the left coalition partners were hammered

A world of declining profit

27 Jan 2022

Michael Roberts reviews new empirical evidence vindicating Marx’s law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, which underpins capitalism’s inherent tendency to crises

Economy in meltdown

20 Jan 2022

Amid unpaid wages, soaring inflation and daily protests in Iran, the Vienna negotiations drag on, reports Yassamine Mather

Civilisation in jeopardy

13 Jan 2022

Extreme weather is becoming typical weather, writes Eddie Ford, and the cause is undeniable: capitalism

Contradictions and ambiguities

09 Dec 2021

Market socialism, capitalism with Chinese characteristics, or a workers’ state? Michael Roberts takes issue with three recent books

Danger of barbarism

09 Dec 2021

Invisible to the eye, viruses and bacteria make up a good percentage of the global biomass. They also shape history. HIV/STD specialist and Marxist Mohsen Shahmanesh discusses microbes and human society. This article is based on his talk to the November 28 Online Communist Forum

Storm clouds gather

02 Dec 2021

Foreign policy has already been affected by the nosediving lira, but, argues, Esen Uslu, there is also the distinct possibility of mass protests over prices and wages

Don’t expect a roaring 20s

25 Nov 2021

Globally the economy is still living in the shadow of the pandemic and investment in productive capital remains extraordinarily low, says Michael Roberts

Socialism, shortages and surrender

18 Nov 2021

Not so masterly: Michael Roberts questions the much feted ideas of János Kornai

They will not deliver

11 Nov 2021

Market solutions are no solution. Michael Roberts castigates the sham, the hollowness of climate finance

Give a little and take a lot

04 Nov 2021

Though there was nothing, not a thing, on the environment. Rishi Sunak’s ‘big state, high tax’ budget had a distinctly populist feel, writes Eddie Ford

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