
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Accumulation of misery

08 Jul 2021

The economy is in deep trouble. Poverty, inequality and personal debt are increasing. Esen Uslu urges the left to do more than blame Erdoğan’s hapless government

Threat of a new slump

01 Jul 2021

There has been much exaggerated talk of the dangers of inflation. But, if interest rates rise, Michael Roberts sees the zombie corporations getting into real trouble

From G7 to D11

17 Jun 2021

Carbis Bay was more about creating a US-led anti-Chinese alliance than vaccinating the world or saving the planet, maintains Eddie Ford

Decline in profitability

03 Jun 2021

Capitalism’s productivity failure can best be explained by Marxist theory, writes Michael Roberts

Where is America going?

03 Jun 2021

Has there been a social democratic turn following Joe Biden’s victory? Now, after all, his administration promises not only to tax the rich, but help the poor. Then there is China, the EU and the so-called third world. This is an edited version of the talk Hillel Ticktin gave to the May 27 Online Communist Forum

Inflation and financial risk

13 May 2021

Covid-19 has blown a big hole in the theories of mainstream economists, Michael Roberts explains

Coefficients and inequalities

06 May 2021

The distribution of income reveals marked differences, but, as shown by Michael Roberts, it is wealth that is the real give-away

Rent-seeking as mass murder

06 May 2021

The row over vaccine patent waivers reveals the inhuman logic of intellectual property, argues Paul Demarty

Three million and rising

22 Apr 2021

With global deaths surpassing a significant landmark, Eddie Ford points the finger of blame for this horrendous example of social murder at government bungling and disorganisation

New financial fictions

15 Apr 2021

Michael Roberts spotlights the latest ways capitalists have come up with to cheat and swindle

Financial fictions

08 Apr 2021

What Marx described as the ‘purest and most colossal form of gambling and swindling’ continues today, but on an altogether bigger scale Michael Roberts looks at some recent examples

Tip of an iceberg

08 Apr 2021

Bribery, fraud, nepotism and graft are all endemic to the bourgeois order, writes Derek James

Capitalism and labour productivity

01 Apr 2021

Even non-Marxists have to admit that Marx was right. Michael Roberts looks at a newly published paper

AI and our tasks

01 Apr 2021

Yassamine Mather examines the many problems posed for the workers’ movement by artificial intelligence

In the era of pandemics

18 Mar 2021

Covid-19 has brought with it the potential for genuine transformation. Mark Kosman unashamedly looks on the bright side

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