
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Contradictions of capital itself

01 Dec 2022

Michael Roberts reviews Marx in the Anthropocene: towards the idea of degrowth communism by Kohei Saito (Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp300)

No wage-price spiral

24 Nov 2022

Michael Roberts investigates the old myth that wages drive inflation and rejects calls from governments, bankers and employers for workers to exercise pay restraint

Planet left to fry

24 Nov 2022

Eddie Ford is not surprised that Cop27 was a failure, all participants are committed to growth for the sake of growth

Tottering towards 2024

17 Nov 2022

Despite the economy ranking as the number one issue for US voters, the expected red wave failed to materialise. Michael Roberts examines the facts and figures

Twitter year zero

10 Nov 2022

What the hell is Elon Musk up to? Paul Demarty reads the tea leaves and spills the beans

Buyer’s remorse

03 Nov 2022

Meta’s stock market beating and Musk’s acquisition of Twitter paint a grim picture of the state of social media, argues Paul Demarty

Cold war set to heat up

27 Oct 2022

Michael Roberts expects a turn to self-reliance, urges less reliance on the capitalist sector and calls for democratic planning

Rishi’s one real god

27 Oct 2022

What is this mysterious thing called ‘the market’ that proposes and disposes of prime minsters? Paul Demarty looks at what controls the controllers

For whom the bell tolls

06 Oct 2022

The mini-budget fiasco and the humiliation of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng holds sobering lessons for the national socialist left, argues Paul Demarty

Desperate throw of the dice

29 Sep 2022

With the pound falling and yields on government gilts rising, markets are delivering their verdict on Kwasi Kwarteng’s ‘growth plan’, writes Eddie Ford

Measure for measure

15 Sep 2022

Michael Roberts looks at the appalling life expectancy and human development figures in the 21st century

Background to the Capitalocene

01 Sep 2022

It is capitalism which lies at the heart of the climate crisis. Jim Moody explores possible technical solutions to what is, he argues, a social question

Migration delusions

04 Aug 2022

The Tory leadership rivals’ attempts to outbid each other on being ‘hard on immigration’ promote delusions, argues Mike Macnair

Energy as a weapon

28 Jul 2022

Michael Roberts looks at the fallout from the Ukraine war and how plans for an oil cap could trigger a deep recession

Game of fortunes

07 Jul 2022

Erdoğan is trying to divert attention from his shambolic handling of the economy by picking all manner of foreign fights. Esen Uslu reports

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