
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

'Anti-imperialist united front': No inherent connection with the working class

21 Mar 2013

Ten years after the height of the mobilisation against the Iraq war, Mike Macnair calls for an end to the politics of the ‘anti-imperialist united front’

STWC conference: Big claims, bankrupt politics

14 Feb 2013

How can we ‘stop the war’? Peter Manson reports on the 2003 protest nostalgia

Israel-Gaza: Why did Israel do it?

13 Dec 2012

The success or failure of the onslaught on Gaza can only be judged against the operation’s aims, writes Israeli socialist Moshé Machover. This is an edited version of a talk given to the December 8 CPGB aggregate

Iran tribunal: In the firing line

15 Nov 2012

When is a political tribunal ‘non-political’? Hands Off the People of Iran national secretary Mark Fischer responds to the latest salvo of pro-imperialist apologetics

Iran: Sanctions mean war on the people

18 Oct 2012

Hands Off the People of Iran remains true to its slogan, ‘No to imperialism, no to the Islamic regime’. Yassamine Mather describes the devastation and hunger inflicted on Iranians

Anti-Germans: Not part of the left

04 Oct 2012

The ‘anti-Germans’ should have no place in working class organisations, argues Maciej Zurowski

One step from a shooting war

28 Jun 2012

The downing of a Turkish plane by Syria has brought the contradictions of Istanbul's soft-Islamist government to the fore. Esen Uslu explains

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Expulsion and exclusion as war threat grows

08 Mar 2012

The SWP no longer controls Stop the War, writes Peter Manson, but its successors still practise SWP-style bureaucratism

Doing their job

08 Mar 2012

Tina Becker's speech to the 2012 STWC conference on behalf of the CPGB

Not our friend

08 Mar 2012

Cat Rylance's speech to the 2012 STWC conference on behalf of Communist Students

Syria: In imperialist sights

01 Mar 2012

With Syria in the sights of the imperialists and the bourgeois media, James Turley wonders where the Left and anti-war movement is.

Iran: all options remain on the table

01 Mar 2012

Rhetoric about Iran is all too reminiscent of the prelude to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, warns Ben Lewis

Hague claims mask new threats

23 Feb 2012

As the drums of war against Iran beat ever louder, Peter Manson takes a look at the latest remarks by the British foreign secretary.

Double standards

15 Sep 2011

James Turley examines the atrocities in Basra

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