
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Ten years of blood and fire

08 Sep 2011

The anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks coincides with a resurgence in 'liberal interventionism'. James Turley evaluates the bloody harvest of both

Imperialism cuts its losses

30 Jun 2011

The 'longest running war in US history' is nearing its end. Eddie Ford looks at the wreckage

No champions of democracy

03 Mar 2011

David Cameron's gun-toting trade tour is a much-needed reminder of imperialism's real interest in the Middle East, writes James Turley

Drop trumped-up charges

16 Dec 2010

Imperialism's attempt to close down WikiLeaks has met with determined resistance, writes Eddie Ford

Official optimism gone mad

25 Nov 2010

November 20 saw another Stop the War Coalition march against the occupation of Afghanistan. Maciej Zurowski gives his impressions

Sanctions take their toll

11 Nov 2010

Yassamine Mather calls for international solidarity with Iranian workers

Lies will not help the anti-war movement

04 Nov 2010

Ben Lewis reports on the Stop the War Coalition's annual conference, where underhand methods were once again deployed to reject the affiliation of Hands Off the People of Iran

Let Hopi affiliate

28 Oct 2010

The leadership of the STWC not only divides the anti-war movement, but risks discrediting it and making it appear ridiculous, writes Mark Fischer

Election lows and UN forces

23 Sep 2010

The US-UK-led occupation of Afghanistan has never had anything to do with democracy, writes Eddie Ford

Joe Glenton and the popular militia demand

11 Mar 2010

Individual defiance is laudable, but more is required, argues Eddie Ford

Old myth exposed

14 Jan 2010

Dave Douglass reviews John Charlton's 'Don't you hear the H bombs thunder? Youth and politics on Tyneside in the late 50s and early 60s' (Merlin, 2009, pp202, £14.95)

Entire regime is the target

10 Dec 2009

Opposition in Iran is no longer directed at supporting one section of the theocracy against the other. The days of the regime are numbered, say Yassamine Mather and Chris Strafford

No way back for warmongers

03 Dec 2009

Mike Macnair addressed the Hopi AGM on the continued threat of war. US imperialism has a new face, but when it comes to foreign policy it is business as usual

Into the abyss as Bhutto mantle passes to son

17 Jan 2008

Jim Moody assesses the crisis in Pakistan after Benazir Bhutto's assassination

Specious unity

06 Dec 2007

Phil Kent reports from the December 1 World Against War conference

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