
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Labor left must develop platform for change

29 Nov 2007

Another member of Bush's 'coalition of the willing' has been unceremoniously dumped. Last weekend's Australian election marks an important turning point, writes Marcus Ström

Kosova needs genuine self-determination

08 Feb 2007

Eddie Ford analyses the recent elections in Serbia and the plans for "limited independence" for Kosova

Marxist position on war

07 Dec 2006

Mary Godwin reports on the December 2-3 CPGB school on 'War and Revolution'

Try Bush, Blair, and Saddam Hussein

18 Dec 2003

The capture of Saddam Hussein last weekend is being hailed in London and Washington as vindication of Bush and Blair's war. Yet amidst the triumphalism of the US and British governments, there is a note of caution, writes Ian Donovan

Impressions of a protest

27 Nov 2003

Thursday November 20 saw some 200,000 demonstrators answer the call of the Stop the War Coalition to show Bush and Blair what they thought of their imperialist war and occupation of Iraq.

Women on the frontline

12 Nov 2003

One hundred comrades crammed into the library of Conway Hall, London on November 7 to hear Yanar Mohammed of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq. Andy Hannah reports

Iraqi working class must lead resistance

06 Nov 2003

George Bush and Tony Blair are in a deepening quagmire in Iraq. That much has been clear for several months now, but things are escalating. Ian Donovan reports

A brief history of lying

01 May 2003

If Galloway proves to be innocent, he will join a large club of those who have been maligned by the intelligence services and the press for political reasons. A few examples:

Gloves come off

01 May 2003

By coming after George Galloway, the bourgeois media is trying to tarnish the whole anti-war movement, says Manny Neira

Slogan wars

01 May 2003

Jack Conrad discusses the problems of the left when it comes to opposition to an attack on Iraq

Rabid reaction

30 Nov 2000

Russia’s apologists

09 Dec 1999

Morning Star and Chechnya

Not one bullet

02 Dec 1999

Sinn Féin joins unionism

Hands off Chechnya

11 Nov 1999

Putin steps up colonial war

Social-imperialism or working class independence

11 Nov 1999

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