
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Crimea: Danger of wider conflict

06 Mar 2014

Vladimir Putin is unlikely to back down over Crimea, writes Eddie Ford

HOPI: Grappling with the new situation

30 Jan 2014

How to meet the challenge presented by the US-Iran deal? Peter Manson reports on Hopi’s day school

WW I: Necessary and sufficient condition

16 Jan 2014

We need look no further than imperialism to establish the underlying cause of the carnage. Chris Gray completes his examination of 1914-18

The shame of imperialism

09 Jan 2014

As shown by Michael Gove’s stupid remarks, the bourgeoisie cannot admit its responsibility for the carnage of 1914-18. In this two-part article Chris Gray examines the origins of the ‘war to end all wars’

Pull the other one

09 Jan 2014

Michael Gove wants us to believe that 1914 saw the beginning of a just war in defence of liberty. And he is not alone, writes Eddie Ford

Iran-US: Paper tigers and false victories

28 Nov 2013

The deal with Iran represents a partial, but important success for imperialism, writes Yassamine Mather

Celebration of imperialist crimes

14 Nov 2013

Eddie Ford wants us to defy the poppy police

Iran: End sanctions now

14 Nov 2013

Whatever the final result of negotiations, writes Yassamine Mather, it is the millions of ordinary Iranians, not their rulers, who have suffered

Iran: Edging towards a settlement

26 Sep 2013

US sanctions appear to have produced results for imperialism, writes Yassamine Mather

US decline: The shock and awe that wasn’t

26 Sep 2013

Jim Creegan analyses the secular decline of the United States as the world hegemon and the failure of Barack Obama’s Syria gambit

Syria: War bid hits buffers

05 Sep 2013

The UK will not be taking part in any punishment strikes on Syria for now, but the threat of imperialist intervention remains, writes Paul Demarty

Progressive sentiments amidst reactionary illusions

25 Jul 2013

Gilbert Achcar has strongly objected to being described as a ‘social-imperialist’ in the Weekly Worker. So what is the truth about him? Yassamine Mather investigates

How the triumvirate marched all the way to failure

20 Jun 2013

Callum Williamson reviews: Chris Nineham, 'The people v Tony Blair: politics, the media and the anti-war movement'. Zero Books, 2012, pp87, £6.99

Syrian bombing: Netanyahu attempts to provoke new confrontation

09 May 2013

Over the weekend of May 4-5 Israel launched air raids against targets in Syria. Yassamine Mather and Moshé Machover, two members of the Hands Off the People of Iran steering committee, discuss the issues raised by this latest development

Turkey and Kurds: Imperialism welcomes deal

28 Mar 2013

Yassamine Mather looks at the new PKK ceasefire and what it means

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