
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Organise the militant minority

06 Nov 2014

The attacks on the miners were aimed at breaking organised labour in general; but union bureaucrats failed to rise to the challenge of building mass solidarity. Jack Conrad argued for a rank-and-file movement in this Leninist reprint

Class struggle intensifies

06 Nov 2014

Toby Abse reports on both verbal and physical clashes, as workers resist the latest attacks from ‘Italy’s Tony Blair’

Jack Collins: We could swamp them

30 Oct 2014

In 1984 The Leninist interviewed Jack Collins, area secretary of Kent NUM who went on to become disillusioned with the CPGB leadership

Marching in defence of article 18

30 Oct 2014

Last weekend’s mass mobilisation in Rome was inspiring, writes Toby Abse. But will trade union militancy be enough?

TUC demo: Boost to confidence

23 Oct 2014

Looking to a Labour government for salvation is a hopeless perspective, argues Peter Manson

Unison left: Carry on regardless

16 Oct 2014

As the employers stood firm in the local government dispute, not unexpectedly the union leaders buckled. But the left has no answers, writes Will Pragnell

Show of defiance

16 Oct 2014

Peter Manson calls for fresh thinking to reinvigorate the unions

Employers attempt to outmanoeuvre unions

09 Oct 2014

Will Pragnell reports on developments in Unison

Preparing for 2015

25 Sep 2014

The LU national council agreed that there should be no electoral coalition with Tusc. NC member and Communist Platform supporter Yassamine Mather reports

Awakened to the class struggle

17 Jul 2014

Mark Fischer introduces another Leninist reprint; Rebecca Sachs on the political transformation of women involved in the miner's strike

Enough bluster and bullshit

17 Jul 2014

Last week saw a major strike of public-sector workers. Daniel Harvey looks at the aftermath

ANC hold on unions weakens

11 Jul 2014

The metalworkers are seeking to emulate the success of the platinum strikers, writes Peter Manson

Countering illusions

05 Jun 2014

During the 20th anniversary of the miner's Great Strike, we have been reprinting articles from The Leninist, forerunner of the paper you're reading now

The real price of coal

22 May 2014

Privatisation and intensified competition has driven the attack on mining safety standards everywhere, writes David Douglass of the National Union of Mineworkers

Miners: Crisis of leadership

22 May 2014

A reprint from the Leninist, forerunner of the WW, on the crucial need for politics

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