
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Sad degeneration

13 Aug 2015

What does Arthur think about backing Yvette? Dave Douglass reports

Confusion, contradiction and irony

23 Jul 2015

South African socialist Terry Bell comments on the divisions within Cosatu

Two congresses and a rigged victory

16 Jul 2015

Peter Manson examines the bureaucratic manoeuvring of the SACP

Loyalists defend whitewash

02 Jul 2015

Peter Manson reports on the willingness of ‘official communists’ to excuse the slaughter of workers

Forget police violence

18 Jun 2015

Too late to worry about all that, says the IPCC. David Douglass looks at its conclusions on the Battle of Orgreave

Misreaders and misleaders

28 May 2015

With ideas of paying everyone an unconditional basic income gaining some credence on the left, Chris Gray looks at the inter-war social credit movement

Loyalists ready to walk

28 May 2015

With Marikana about to dominate the headlines once more, Peter Manson reports on the ongoing Cosatu crisis

Yellow union given the boot

21 May 2015

Car workers say, ‘Enough is enough’. Esen Uslu reports on the mood of optimism

Contradictions laid bare

23 Apr 2015

There are two sides to South Africa’s ‘vibrant emerging market economy’. Peter Manson points to the underlying causes of the xenophobia

Lessons of the Great Strike

09 Apr 2015

Recognising the nature of the defeat at the end of the Miners' Strike was hard for the left, argues Mark Fischer

Split that need not have happened

09 Apr 2015

The criminal actions of the South African Communist Party have severely weakened Cosatu, writes Peter Manson

Impervious to lessons

02 Apr 2015

Familiar bureaucratic maneuvering brought an end to the Miner's Strike, writes Mark Fischer

How could we have won?

19 Mar 2015

Former NUM South Wales area executive member Ian Isaac looks back to the miners’ Great Strike

One year of the miners’ strike

19 Mar 2015

Mark Fischer presents two articles originally printed in The Leninist at the end of the miners' strike

Meaningless noise

12 Mar 2015

Workers Power has made a strange new ally. Daniel Harvey reports

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