
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Cancelling the dead

25 May 2023

Eric Gill’s Prospero and Ariel has been vandalised yet again. Mike Macnair looks at the politics of attacking soft targets

Heirs of Edmund Burke

25 May 2023

For all its incoherence, the National Conservatism conference in London is indicative of a worrying direction of travel for the global right, argues Paul Demarty

Disenchanted with the west

18 May 2023

Yassamine Mather gives her impressions of Turkey after 20 years of AKP rule and the evident failure of secularism from above

A tale of two liars

18 May 2023

Despite the court judgment over defamation and sexual assault, he has come roaring back with a triumphant CNN ‘town hall’ performance. But, argues Daniel Lazare, the liberal bourgeois media is no more reliable than Trump’s fact-free claims

A hundred years of muddle

18 May 2023

Marking the centenary of György Lukács’s hugely influential History and class consciousness, Mike Macnair spoke to an Online Communist Forum on May 14 about the book, the man and the politics

Part of the stream

11 May 2023

MS Kia Sliding into revolution: a doctor’s memories of life, love and revolution Lulu 2022, pp330, £14.96

Kinesics of defiance

11 May 2023

Open rejection of the coronation circus from Charles’s mischievous subjects are a reminder that the image of Britain as overwhelmingly pro-monarchy is a lie, hurrahs Paul Demarty

A manufactured illusion

04 May 2023

Today’s monarchy is not a precious inheritance dating back to the Saxons. It is a product of the mass media, argues Paul Demarty

Race, prejudice and stupidity

27 Apr 2023

Diane Abbott’s version of identity politics has proved to be a gift for Sir Keir and his drive to complete the marginalisation of the left, argues Kevin Bean

Scenes from history

27 Apr 2023

First published a hundred years ago, History and class-consciousness has exerted considerable influence on left sects since the 1960s. Lawrence Parker investigates the philosophy and politics of György Lukács

Online Communist Forum

20 Apr 2023

Jack Conrad: 'Climate catastrophe and how to prevent it'

History and anti-history

20 Apr 2023

Still like an academic conference, but at least there is more politics today. Mike Macnair reports from Chicago and the 2023 convention of the Platypus Affiliated Society

Yet more lies

13 Apr 2023

The Tories are way behind in opinion polls and have therefore turned to culture war issues such as trans people and further curbing free speech. Mike Macnair eviscerates what passes for their arguments

Dragged over the coals

13 Apr 2023

Why on earth is the right going nuts over drag queens? Paul Demarty investigates the latest moral panic

Zhenotdel and its travails

30 Mar 2023

In light of the ongoing Women, Life, Freedom protests in Iran, Anne McShane discussed with Yassamine Mather the lessons that can be drawn from the fight for women’s emancipation in post-revolutionary Russia

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