
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Environment: The problem is capitalism

03 Oct 2013

Capitalism is driving the climate change crisis and cannot solve it, says Simon Wells

Drugs: Stench of hypocrisy

03 Oct 2013

Prohibition is no answer, writes Eddie Ford

Religion: Painfully detailed origins

26 Sep 2013

David Douglass reviews: John Pickard, 'Behind the myths: the foundations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam', AuthorHouseUK, 2013, pp492, £17.99

Technology: Stop worshipping false idols

12 Sep 2013

At Communist University 2012 Gabriel Levy took the 20th century left to task for indentifying technical progress with social progress

We’re all Luddites now

12 Sep 2013

Gabriel Levy spoke about technology and socialism at Communist University 2013. The left has tended to worship productionism and therefore dismiss the rich tradition represented by Luddism

Anthropology: Engels was right

12 Sep 2013

In April Sheila McGregor’s ‘Marxism and women’s oppression today’ was published in the Socialist Workers Party’s International Socialism. The journal declined to carry this response from radical anthropologist and SWP member Lionel Sims

Left Unity: Playing it safe

12 Sep 2013

Everyone involved in producing Left Unity’s proposed ‘safe space’ policy should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, argues Paul Demarty

Review: Parallel lives and irrational jealousy

05 Sep 2013

Paul Flewers reviews: David Caute, "Isaac and Isaiah: the covert punishment of a cold war heretic", Yale University Press, 2013, pp335, £19.99

South Africa: Maverick targeted

08 Aug 2013

Peter Manson reports on a case that has gripped the Johannesburg media

God of the gaps

01 Aug 2013

Justin Welby is a hypocrite, but his credit union plans are a symptom of the decline of the workers’ movement, argues Paul Demarty

Elaine Morgan: Debt of gratitude

01 Aug 2013

Chris Knight remembers the woman who saw off the ‘savanna hypothesis’

Overachieving at last

25 Jul 2013

The British have been surprised by a series of sporting successes. Harley Filben considers sport’s relationship to nationalism

Turing: Calculated pardon

25 Jul 2013

The Alan Turing case exposes both the flexibility of the political establishment and its hypocrisy, argues Eddie Ford

Oppression and opportunism

18 Jul 2013

Peter Manson looks at questions of race, sex and nation raised by SWP speakers at Marxism

SWP abuse: 'Delta' in dock again ... this time it’s comrade X

11 Jul 2013

Reject calls to no-platform SWP over handling of allegations of sexual misconduct, says Peter Manson

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