
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Wrongly overlooked thinker

23 Jul 2020

David Broder reviews Pietro Basso's 'The science and passion of communism: selected writings of Amadeo Bordiga (1912-1965)'

Without it we can’t breathe

23 Jul 2020

Anne McShane explains why the ‘cancel culture’ is so badly misdirected

Roll call of shame

16 Jul 2020

Huge numbers have died unnecessarily, writes Eddie Ford, yet still we have the rightwing ideology of Covid denial

Not just one idiot historian

09 Jul 2020

Slavery involved the loss of life on a staggering scale, and it was bound up with the capitalist mode of production, writes Eddie Ford

Contradictions of Zionism

09 Jul 2020

Tony Greenstein reviews Daphna Levit's 'Wrestling with Zionism: Jewish voices of dissent'

Power of child-like logic

09 Jul 2020

Without a centralised leadership BLM risks playing into Trump’s hands, argues Daniel Lazare

Recolouring the past

02 Jul 2020

Jesus was not white, that is for sure. But then nor was he a Christian, says Eddie Ford. He was an apocalyptic revolutionary who hated the Roman empire and its collaborators

Unrecyclable threat

25 Jun 2020

Jim Moody reviews Deia Schlosberg’s The story of plastic

Interlocking phenomena

25 Jun 2020

What is the connection between the coronavirus pandemic, ecological catastrophe and global capitalism? Mehdi Kia investigates

Statue wars

19 Jun 2020

Eddie Ford says it is healthy to question the iconography that is all around us

The show must go on

19 Jun 2020

As things restart in England, a new stage in the game’s financialisation is about to begin, argues Paul Demarty

Calling a different tone

19 Jun 2020

Will Stratford of the US Platypus Affiliated Society explains why he thinks it is essential for the left to question the establishment’s hegemonic anti-racism

Racism and Covid-19

19 Jun 2020

Capitalism itself is the cause of structural social inequality, writes James Linney

An international explosion

11 Jun 2020

Protests against police violence and structural disadvantage have erupted in country after country, but what happens next, asks Paul Demarty

Race über alles?

11 Jun 2020

Daniel Lazare looks beneath the skin of Black Lives Matter and reveals the links with big business

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