
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Monarchist system must go

28 Apr 2011

The working class movement must fight for republican democracy, argues Eddie Ford

Rattled by Wikileaks

02 Dec 2010

The latest revelations expose imperialist plans against Iran and the whole rotten business of hidden diplomacy. Eddie Ford calls for freedom of information

Wedding of mass distraction

25 Nov 2010

Everyone from Ed Miliband to Johnny Rotten is looking forward to a "bit of flag-waving". Eddie Ford calls for a militant republican response

Strike back against the empire

16 Sep 2010

Place newspapers in the hands of journalists and printworkers, demands James Turley

Light and air of political freedom

16 Sep 2010

North American scholar Lars T Lih explores the varying attitude of Marxists towards universal suffrage, freedom of the press and freedom of association

Open the books - end state secrecy

05 Aug 2010

Wikileaks tip of iceberg, writes James Turley

Fight for genuine PR

08 Jul 2010

Peter Manson recommends a 'yes' vote in May 2011

Representation, not referendums

01 Jul 2010

The basis of decision-making under the dictatorship of the proletariat is not the same as under communism, argues Mike Macnair

Silence of the left

10 Jun 2010

Should socialists demand tighter gun control? Jim Moody calls for a different approach

Electoral reform and communist strategy

27 May 2010

Nick Rogers discusses the democratic forms appropriate to the rule of the working class

Workers' defence

13 May 2010

For self-defence and against anarchistic violence

The right to be offensive

29 Apr 2010

Creeping censorship must be opposed - even if feelings get hurt, argues James Turley

Accountable to their party

15 Apr 2010

All three mainstream parties promise voters the power to recall their MPs. Jim Moody looks at the details

Symptom of democratic deficit

11 Feb 2010

For recallable MPs on a worker's wage, writes Jim Moody

Will left go on the offensive?

21 Jan 2010

Dave Craig considers the prospects for the Republican Socialist Convention

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