
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Labour: Unions vote to be distanced

06 Mar 2014

Delegate Charles Gradnitzer reports on Labour’s special conference

Venezuela: Right wing smells blood

27 Feb 2014

What is happening to the Bolivarian revolution? Daniel Harvey calls for working class independence

Pox on both houses

20 Feb 2014

What is the communist stance in relation to the Scottish referendum? Sarah McDonald urges a boycott

Labour: Democracy versus patronage

06 Feb 2014

The stench of leader loyalty hangs over the Collins proposals to ‘mend’ Labour’s trade union link, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

Dieudonné’s calculated anti-Semitism

30 Jan 2014

Free speech is too valuable a weapon to be thrown away. Eddie Ford calls for unequivocal opposition to state bans on racists and fascists

LRC: Surviving, but still shrinking

28 Nov 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the annual conference of the Labour Representation Committee

Leveson, libel and lucre

17 Oct 2013

The overall result of the combination of Leveson and the Defamation Act is a major attack on freedom of speech and communication, argues Mike Macnair

Roar of the dead lion

01 Aug 2013

Eddie Ford wants to be spared any more royal babies and gilded easels

Police: Hundred-million facelift disaster

22 Nov 2012

As expected, voters wanted nothing to do with last week’s PCC elections, writes Jim Moody

Democracy and state: Revolutionary road - a bourgeois saga

15 Nov 2012

Marc Mulholland examines the complex interrelationship between democracy, class struggles and the state

Socialist Party: Economist republicanism

08 Nov 2012

The Socialist Party's economism was on full display during a session on the monarchy and the state reports Peter Manson

Scotland: Independence from what?

25 Oct 2012

The Scottish National Party’s support for Nato confirms Alex Salmond as a canny bourgeois politician, argues Paul Demarty

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

The crown rules Britannia

31 May 2012

The role of the elaborate jubilee is to draw attention away from the power and nature of the crown itself, write Steve Freeman and Phil Vellender

Abolish the second chamber

03 May 2012

Whether partly elected or not, the House of Lords will continue to impose checks and balances against democracy, writes Peter Manson

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