
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Chartism - the second coming

04 Jan 2007

Does the Revolutionary Democratic Group have a sectarian attitude to mass workers' party projects? Dave Craig replies to Mike Macnair's criticisms

Workers' militia and burning necessity

04 Jan 2007

Is workers' defence a question for the future or should communists champion the right to bear arms today? Jim Moody looks at the issues

Copyright or human need

14 Dec 2006

Communists are for the freedom of information, says Mike Macnair

Democracy east and west

30 Nov 2006

Leading SP member Paula Mitchell presented a scary vision of socialism in the session, 'Why the Soviet Union wasn't socialist and how democracy would work under socialism'. Tina Becker was there

Our republic

23 Nov 2006

For too long the left has dismissed minimum-maximum programmes. Jack Conrad argues that as well as shortcomings, gaps and faults there is much that can positively be learnt from them

Labourism or republicanism

05 Oct 2006

Where next for the fight for working class political representation? Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group looks at the alternatives

'Class lines' against democracy

06 Jul 2006

Mike Macnair takes on Ian Donovan

Ian Donovan's original letter

06 Jul 2006

Manufacturing royal consent

25 May 2006

Gordon Downie takes a look at the May 20 concert of the 'Prince's Trust'

The minimum platform and extreme democracy

18 May 2006

Under what conditions should communists participate in government? Mike Macnair revisits the strategic problem of authority

Arriving republics?

27 Apr 2006

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group contrasts the anti-monarchist mass movement in Nepal with the queen's birthday celebrations in Britain

For a parliament with full powers

09 Mar 2006

The people of Wales must have the right to self-determination, argues Bob Davies, and calls for that right to be exercised in favour of unity within a federal republic of Wales, Scotland and England

Britain's drystone wall

02 Mar 2006

Can the British constitution be reformed? Not without mass political action by the working class, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

Hidden controversy

23 Feb 2006

Dave Landau, a representative of the Jewish Socialist Group, attended the Unite Against Fascism conference on February 18

Banning bad ideas

23 Feb 2006

David Irving's conviction for holocaust denial and three-year sentence in an Austrian prison is not good news for communists and democrats, say Tina Becker and Eddie Ford. It is in our own self-interest to oppose anti-free speech laws and proscriptions, as sooner or later they will be used against us

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