
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Holy trinity of reaction

23 Feb 2012

The queen's jubilee is a timely event for the forces of reaction in an age of austerity, argues Ben Lewis. For its part, the workers' movement needs to rediscover the tradition of militant republican democracy

Of kings and Kims

12 Jan 2012

Given the media's love of pomp and circumstance - and hereditary monarchy - there is no little hypocrisy in its mocking of North Korea, argues Eddie Ford

Debating the republic and extreme democracy

17 Nov 2011

Ben Lewis reports on some interesting exchanges at the 'Historical Materialism' weekend

Building for November 30

06 Oct 2011

Chris Strafford reports from protests at the Conservative Party conference

Truth, memory and distortion

26 May 2011

Ben Lewis reviews Peter Watkins's (director) 'La Commune' 2000, DVD

The Second Empire and the Paris Commune

26 May 2011

This is the final excerpt in the current series from Karl Kautsky's 'Republic and social democracy in France', translated by Ben Lewis[1] and published in English for the first time. Kautsky begins his discussion of the Commune by examining the situation in France under emperor Napoleon III

Inspirational feats and heroic failure

26 May 2011

The Paris Commune teaches us valuable lessons, writes Nick Rogers

Second Republic and the socialists

19 May 2011

The second part of Karl Kautsky's 1905 work, 'Republic and social democracy', translated by Ben Lewis

Same hymn sheet

19 May 2011

Ben Lewis introduces another excerpt from his translation of Karl Kautsky's 'Republic and social democracy in France'- published in English for the first time

Getting the message across

05 May 2011

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group was among those arrested for attempting a street theatre performance to coincide with the royal wedding. They were accused of 'conspiracy to cause a public nuisance' and detained for more than 24 hours. He spoke to Peter Manson

A day of absolute monarchy and criminalising republicanism

05 May 2011

The establishment did not want anything to interfere with the royal wedding celebrations - including 'unruly' free speech and the democratic right to protest. Eddie Ford reports

Vote working class anti-cuts

28 Apr 2011

Peter Manson discusses forthcoming council elections and the AV referendum

Hub of stability

28 Apr 2011

Mark Fischer spoke to Clive Bloom, author of 'Restless revolutionaries', a book that aims to rediscover "Britain's 'lost' republican history"

Republic and social democracy in France[1]

28 Apr 2011

For the first time in English, an extract from Karl Kautsky's 'Republic and social democracy in France', translated by Ben Lewis

The book that didn't bark

28 Apr 2011

Independent scholar Lars T Lih introduces excerpts from Karl Kautsky's 'Republic and social democracy in France', published in English for the first time

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