
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Secrets and lies

02 Apr 2015

The left supports freedom of information and condemns trials where the public are barred. However, what passes for justice in our movement often leaves much to be desired, writes Paul Demarty

Oppression and western values

05 Feb 2015

Democracy comes from below, not above, says Peter Manson

A well-ordered militia

05 Feb 2015

The Greens are under attack because of their ‘insane’ attitude towards the army. Meanwhile, observes Jack Conrad, the left continues its cowardly silence

An abuse of power

08 Jan 2015

Whatever the truth of allegations against Andrew Windsor, the Jeffrey Epstein case paints a grim picture of the top of society, reckons Paul Demarty

A pseudo-democratic caricature

06 Nov 2014

The problem is not the House of Lords’ London bias, or even its unelected character: there should be no second chamber, argues Paul Demarty

Violence and the miners

16 Oct 2014

Another Leninist reprint - with salutary lessons for some in Left Unity today, says Mark Fischer

Cameron’s can of worms

25 Sep 2014

Demands for English ‘home rule’ and continued agitation for Scottish independence point to a constitutional crisis, argues Eddie Ford

Transparency is a principle

25 Sep 2014

Demanding ‘confidentiality’ when it comes to internal disputes makes us look like a combination of Little Stalins and the Life of Brian, argues Mike Macnair

How justice works

18 Sep 2014

Deep pockets, global fame and the lack of jury trials are prone to produce outrageous results, argues Paul Demarty

Referenda and direct democracy

18 Sep 2014

Ben Lewis looks at Karl Kautsky’s Parliamentarism and democracy

Determination of revolution

04 Sep 2014

Jack Conrad contrasts the Scottish left-nationalist demand for separation with the communist demand for self-determination

Scotland: Sinking loyalism and lifeboat nationalism

26 Jun 2014

Jack Conrad looks at the politics of September 18

Lack of democracy, lack of safety

22 May 2014

Soma exposes the double brutality of Turkey’s crony capitalism, writes Esen Uslu

Turkey government: On its last legs

20 Mar 2014

Erdoğan’s government is rapidly losing control, writes Esen Uslu. But the opposition seems in no shape to take advantage

Other side of border controls

20 Mar 2014

Ben Lewis notes a tragic subplot in the mysterious disappearance of flight MH370

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