
CPGB News > Reports

Locomotive force

18 Jan 1996

Genie out of the bottle

18 Jan 1996

Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Tommy Sheridan

Bold move needed

18 Jan 1996

Mark Fischer attended the recent aggregate of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP). He brought the greetings of the Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB and a call for the RDG to make a bold move in communist rapprochement

Docks women lobby Major

11 Jan 1996

Fire service crisis spreads

11 Jan 1996

Merseyside fights back

New chapter for France

11 Jan 1996

Capitalism wins the day

11 Jan 1996

Turkish elections herald attack on political prisoners

11 Jan 1996

Canadian SWP faces continuing crisis

11 Jan 1996

We expect SWP members will not feel able to respond to this post from the Internet. Nevertheless they might find the information interesting

Scotland blazes the trail!

11 Jan 1996

Nationalism rises in Turkey

04 Jan 1996

The fight for a Socialist Labour Party

04 Jan 1996

CPSA Fight against JSA

21 Dec 1995

In brief

The year ahead: Nothing is preordained

21 Dec 1995

Mark Fischer, CPGB national organiser, looks at Perspectives 96 - adopted by a Communist Party members’ aggregate, December 1995

Election stitch-up in Turkey

21 Dec 1995

Left in disarray

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