
CPGB News > Reports

Fighting spirit

22 Feb 1996

Party notes

Ballot box or ‘Bolshevism’?

15 Feb 1996

Vote Labour, but ...

Scottish Socialist Alliance launched

15 Feb 1996

A step forward for left unity - now for political clarity

Reconstruction of the left

15 Feb 1996

Bob Smith of the CPGB faction, For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee, poses his questions about the reconstruction of the left to comrade Arman Arani of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran on the anniversary of the Iranian revolution

Challenging reformism?

15 Feb 1996

Nick Clarke spoke to Allan Green, coordinator of the Scottish Socialist Alliance, after its conference last week

Firefighters to resist cuts

15 Feb 1996

Important steps

15 Feb 1996

Kevin McQuillan, leader of the Irish Republican Socialist Party, spoke to the Weekly Worker

Party school

15 Feb 1996

Party notes

Fire fighters ballot for more strikes

08 Feb 1996

In brief

For a reforged Communist Party of Great Britain

08 Feb 1996

Minimal platform agreed by the Provisional Central Committee, CPGB and For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee (faction of the CPGB)

Critique, OP and the CPGB

08 Feb 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Opening up the debate

08 Feb 1996

John Milligan, Lanarkshire branch secretary of the RMT, was a member of the Labour Party for many years, and left over the poll tax and different industrial issues. He is involved both in organising SLP meetings in Scotland and in the Scottish Socialist Alliance. Nick Clarke spoke to him

Clean break with Labour

08 Feb 1996

Phil Felstead is one of the ex-miners in Hemsworth who worked throughout the SLP campaign. He worked at South Kirkby colliery until it closed in 1988 and was then forced into redundancy as a result of his militant record. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to him about the SLP

Keep it coming

08 Feb 1996

Party notes

Step up the action

01 Feb 1996

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