
CPGB News > Reports

Report from NEC

14 Jan 1999

Part of document circulated to SLP membership

Scargill goes public

14 Jan 1999

Simon Harvey of the SLP

United Socialists edge forward

14 Jan 1999

Vote Socialist Unity

14 Jan 1999

Left organisations in the North Defoe ward in Hackney have united under the banner of Socialist Unity in a by-election battle. Voting is on January 21. As well as individual revolutionaries, this bloc comprises the Hackney branches of the Socialist Labour Party, Communist Party of Great Britain, the Socialist Alliance, the Socialist Workers Party and Turkish and Kurdish organisations. The unity candidate is Anne Murphy of the Communist Party and Hackney SA, who gives us this report

RDCT resolution

17 Dec 1998

Agreed at the December aggregate of the Revolutionary Democratic Communist Tendency

United front

17 Dec 1998

Scargill holds fire

17 Dec 1998

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Socialist challenge

17 Dec 1998

Perspectives ’99

17 Dec 1998

Party notes

Discontent and despair

12 Nov 1998

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Bridging the divide

12 Nov 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the CPGB’s weekend school ‘Against economism’

Destroying themselves

12 Nov 1998

Statement by expelled Merseyside Socialist Party comrades, October 1998

Socialist Party in England and Wales: Extinction looms

12 Nov 1998

For inclusive democracy

05 Nov 1998

Socialist Alliances

Two schools

05 Nov 1998

Party notes

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