
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

A gay day for equality

28 May 2015

Anne McShane celebrates the defeat of the Catholic church and calls for the battle for democracy to include the aim of socialism

After the death of Jesus

02 Apr 2015

According to western Christian mythology, Jesus died on Good Friday and came back to life three days later on what we now call Easter Monday. But, argues Jack Conrad, Jesus and his first followers were not Christians, but Jewish revolutionaries. It was Paul who invented Christianity

The new normal

19 Feb 2015

As Denmark becomes the latest staging ground for Islamist atrocities, Paul Demarty asks how the left can confront the growth of religious reaction

Confusion abounds

15 Jan 2015

How has the left reacted to the Paris slaughter? Peter Manson has been taking a look

United front of the bourgeoisie

15 Jan 2015

Government leaders who gathered in Paris to express ‘solidarity’ with Charlie Hebdo are no friends of free speech, says Eddie Ford

Qui est Charlie?

15 Jan 2015

Paul Demarty asks, who exactly is Charlie?

The meaning of Jewish identity

08 Jan 2015

Shlomo Sand How I stopped being a Jew Verso, 2014, pp102, £9.99

Neither meek nor mild

18 Dec 2014

Jesus was a rabbi, a communist and a brave revolutionary, argues Jack Conrad

No safe space for women

30 Oct 2014

Yassamine Mather points to the link between two outrages in the Islamic Republic

Infighting in the Vatican

23 Oct 2014

Deep divisions over divorce and homosexuality were revealed by the recent synod, reports Eddie Ford

Cameron decides to do god

22 May 2014

Regardless of whether Britain is a ‘Christian country’ or not, says Eddie Ford, communists fight for the separation of church and state

Solidarity with women of Iran

06 Mar 2014

Yassamine Mather salutes those struggling against oppression

Stirring stagnant Saudi waters

31 Oct 2013

When is it OK to oppress women? When the oppressor is a key ally and trade partner, answers Eddie Ford

Religion: Painfully detailed origins

26 Sep 2013

David Douglass reviews: John Pickard, 'Behind the myths: the foundations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam', AuthorHouseUK, 2013, pp492, £17.99

God of the gaps

01 Aug 2013

Justin Welby is a hypocrite, but his credit union plans are a symptom of the decline of the workers’ movement, argues Paul Demarty

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