
Society & Culture > Racism

Racism as thoughtcrime

05 Apr 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

An Open Letter

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein addresses Labour MP Joan Ryan

Pseudo-secularism on the beach

01 Sep 2016

The petty cruelty of the French burqini bans stems from an elite looking for scapegoats, writes Paul Demarty

Voting for the right lizard

04 Aug 2016

Who’s afraid of president Trump? Not Paul Demarty

Life of a heroic traitor

04 Aug 2016

Jim Creegan looks back at the extraordinary story of Roger Casement on the 100th anniversary of his execution

From Powell to Brexit

28 Jul 2016

Alex Carnovic interviews Evan Smith about his forthcoming book 'British communism and the politics of race'

An old rhythm

14 Jul 2016

With the huge rise in xenophobic attacks and the role of motherhood in the Conservative leadership race, Commissaress argues that the past has come back with a vengeance

A marred report

07 Jul 2016

Chakrabarti relies on the subjective, writes Tony Greenstein. She also fails to understand how ‘anti-Semitism’ was weaponised by the Labour right

Why Ken Livingstone was right

23 Jun 2016

Who exactly is making ‘factual misrepresentations’? Tony Greenstein replies to Paul Bogdanor

Orlando, Brexit and the media

23 Jun 2016

What happens when anti-foreigner rhetoric merges with Islamophobia? Yassamine Mather describes what it feels like to be on the receiving end

Abuse of a corpse

23 Jun 2016

We should not be blind to the corruption at the heart of bourgeois politics, argues Paul Demarty

Politics of derangement

23 Jun 2016

Obviously the killing of Jo Cox was an act of political terrorism? Eddie Ford looks at the politics

Blundering ineptitude

16 Jun 2016

There are furious objections to the Morning Star giving Ken Livingstone a regular column. Peter Manson reports

My encounter with the thought police

09 Jun 2016

Tony Greenstein is still in one piece following his grilling by a Labour Party witch-hunt apparatchik

A threat laid low

09 Jun 2016

Once considered a dangerous radical and traitor, Muhammad Ali died an establishment hero. Paul Demarty wonders what this says about our era

Relationship of mutual dependency

02 Jun 2016

Zionism uses the term ‘anti-Semitism’ against anyone who opposes its crimes against the Palestinian people, writes Eli Aminov

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