
Society & Culture > Racism

Racism as thoughtcrime

05 Apr 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

Rasputin and Little Red Riding Hood

19 Jan 2017

Claims that the Five Star Movement is some kind of leftwing formation have been well and truly exposed, writes Toby Abse

Quest for purity

15 Dec 2016

Is dubbing Israel a ‘racist state’ anti-Semitic? Tony Greenstein looks at the reality on the ground

A welcome for Trump and Bannon

24 Nov 2016

Anti-Semitism has never been a problem for Zionism, observes Tony Greenstein

Crisis of establishment

17 Nov 2016

All you can say with certainty about the Donald Trump presidency, writes Eddie Ford, is ‘Expect the unexpected’

Silence is as good as compliance

17 Nov 2016

Iain McNicol has banned discussion of Zionism, anti-Semitism and the internal witch-hunt, reports Tony Greenstein

Banned motion

17 Nov 2016

Motion banned by the Labour Party prefaced by complaint about the decision

A richly deserved defeat

10 Nov 2016

Trump’s victory is an indictment of shallow American liberalism, and it is time for the left to detach itself from it, argues Paul Demarty

Swimming in the right pond

20 Oct 2016

Maciej Zurowski talks to Paul Thompson about the emergence of the skinhead subculture and its implicit values

Attempt to outlaw justified anger

20 Oct 2016

The demand that Corbyn should apologise for Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ is a demand to bow before US policymakers, writes Mike Macnair

Redefining anti-Semitism

20 Oct 2016

The transparent dishonesty of the home affairs select committee is remarkable, writes Tony Greenstein

Hitting the jackpot?

13 Oct 2016

Stand Up To Racism looks set to be a big success in SWP terms, writes Peter Manson. But will it advance the cause of the working class?

More than just cowardice

13 Oct 2016

Tony Greenstein explains why the case of Jackie Walker is so important

Explaining the holocaust industry

29 Sep 2016

Norman Finkelstein recalls how the official narrative on the Jews and Israel has changed over his lifetime. This is an edited version of a speech given to Communist University 2016

Ethnic cleansing?

15 Sep 2016

Binyamin Netanyahu’s video might have caused outrage, but Zionism still has friends in high places. Tony Greenstein comments

Apologists for Zionism

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein introduces his open letter to Labour MP Joan Ryan

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