
Party & Programme > Programmes

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Battle of the soul of SACP

10 Jan 2008

Whether or not newly elected ANC president Jacob Zuma is a criminal, just what is the South African Communist Party playing at in supporting him? Peter Manson reports from South Africa

Negative critique and positive alternatives

20 Dec 2007

Mike Macnair reviews the following books: - Phil Hearse (ed) Take the power to change the world (Socialist Resistance, 2007, pp144, £6); - Michael Lebowitz: Build it now: socialism for the 21st century (Monthly Review Press, 2006, pp127, £10.95) - Cliff Slaughter: Not without a storm: towards a communist manifesto for the age of globalisation (Index Books, 2006, pp314, �12.99)

Powerful because it coherently explains

06 Dec 2007

Jack Conrad defends dialectical materialism against positivist critics

Programme debate continues

29 Nov 2007

CPGB comrades in London are continuing our discussions on the redrafting of our Draft programme and we are now coming towards the end of section three of the current version, 'Immediate demands'. Peter Manson reports

Immediate demands

18 Oct 2007

CPGB comrades in London have been engaged in an ongoing debate over the contents of our Draft programme in line with the decision taken last year to update and redraft it, reports Peter Manson

Leading workers by the nose

13 Sep 2007

Our immediate task is to pose a political alternative to the existing regime, writes Mike Macnair, not wait for the 'transitional method' to produce soviets. This article concludes his series on 'permanent revolution'

Spontaneity and Marxist theory

06 Sep 2007

What is the relationship between unorganised mass movements and the revolutionary party? Mike Macnair continues his series on 'permanent revolution'

For a minimum programme!

30 Aug 2007

Continuing his series on 'permanent revolution', Mike Macnair suggests that the victory of workers' power through a democratic republic does not remove the distinction between the two parts of the communist programme

What's a worker's wage?

09 Aug 2007

Section 3.5 of the CPGB's Draft programme, 'Trade unions', was the latest to be discussed at the London Communist Forum held on July 29. London comrades are continuing their study of 'Immediate demands' as part of the process of redrafting. Peter Manson reports

What is workers' power?

09 Aug 2007

A workers' state cannot be determined by property forms, argues Mike Macnair

'Transitional' to what?

02 Aug 2007

Setting the scene for a series of articles on 'permanent revolution', Mike Macnair argues that the dictatorship of the proletariat must take the specific form of the democratic republic

Debating programme

26 Jul 2007

The task of redrafting the CPGB's Draft programme is continuing, with the debate on section 3, 'Immediate demands', well underway in London. Simon Wells reports

Proposition number one and one-dimensional Marxism

05 Jul 2007

The SWP leadership has jumped on the 'stop climate change' bandwagon. But, argues Jack Conrad, if they want to be taken seriously the first thing for them to do is to reformulate their proposition one

Defeat was fault of enemy machine guns

25 May 2007

Mike Macnair replies to Dave Brown and Gerry Downing who argued last week that the defeats of the 20th century are not grounds to rethink the strategic ideas of the early Comintern

Key weapon of struggle

11 May 2007

The task of debating the CPGB Draft programme, a necessarily protracted prelude to a full redraft and its submission to the organisation as a whole for final discussion and approval, is now well underway. Mary Godwin reports

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