Party & Programme > Programmes
Hidden from history
22 Nov 2007
Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75
Revolutionary republicanism
29 Feb 1996
Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) challenges Paul Cockshott's understanding of the democratic revolution
Open differences
22 Feb 1996
Last Sunday Open Polemic held its conference on communist fragmentation and social democracy. Danny Hammill reports
Mortal wound?
22 Feb 1996
The RDG programmists
15 Feb 1996
Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee
Programmatic clarification: a reply to the RDG
15 Feb 1996
For a reforged Communist Party of Great Britain
08 Feb 1996
Minimal platform agreed by the Provisional Central Committee, CPGB and For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee (faction of the CPGB)
Debate poses need for communist unity
01 Feb 1996
Last Sunday the Communist Party hosted a debate with the Independent Working Class Association on the need for common action among revolutionaries
Against conservatism
25 Jan 1996
Socialist Workers Party - Canadian style
25 Jan 1996
January 10 saw a major split in the Canadian International Socialists. Below we reprint an edited version of a resignation letter - signed by Sue Ferguson, David McNally, Alan Sears and Deborah Simmons - which took the form of an ‘Open letter to members of the International Socialist’, dated December 28 1995. Though we do not necessarily agree with all their conclusions we feel it is important that all divisions in our movement are debated out openly, in print. We welcome replies from IS or SWP members
The RDG’s draft minimum programme
14 Dec 1995
The CPGB rapprochement process has brought a number of groups from different traditions into its orbit. The Revolutionary Democratic Group has been particularly energetic in pursuing joint work and debating a number of programmatic questions, both in meetings and in the paper. We reprint its minimum programme and its ‘Where we stand’ column, which appears in the RDG’s bulletin, Workers Republic. We hope this will inform readers of areas of agreement and disagreement and take discussions on programme forward
Debate continues after aggregate
07 Dec 1995
CPGB aggregate meeting passes Perspectives for 1996
Don’t drop rapprochement
02 Nov 1995
Bob Smith for a permanent Party Polemic Committee
SUPPLEMENT: The struggle for communism - Yesterday, today and tomorrow
12 Oct 1995
The Republican Worker Tendency replies to Jack Conrad’s ‘Party, Non-ideology and Faction’
The politics of transition
24 Aug 1995
Peter May from the RDG says the demand for a federal republic is a revolutionary minimum